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E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10

圆周大道875号,ms2332 莫斯科,号码83844-2332






2018 Farm Bill Agricultural Commodity Support Programs

本出版物报道了2018年农业法案,以帮助太平洋西北地区的农业生产者了解其政策和计划, including updates on the dairy, 作物和...


After recent frequent and severe flooding events, 奶农杰伊·戈登(Jay Gordon)一直在与社区的其他人合作,制定一项策略,以减轻未来洪水对他们的影响...


厌氧消化为乳制品和食品加工业提供了一种解决与废物有关的环境问题的方法, 产生可再生能源, 削减床上用品成本, 减少...

Answers to Common Questions about 温室 Gases

Because climate change is one of the most urgent issues of our time, 有意义的公共讨论需要对所涉及的温室气体类型有基本的了解, 他们在哪里...

Biofilters in Animal 农业

Biofilters can 减少 odor emissions from concentrated livestock facilities. 这 publication discusses what they are and how they work, describes different types and discusses important factors...

Cattle Vaccine Handling and Management Guidelines

最近的研究表明,由于零售商和牲畜生产者处理和储存不当,疫苗效力受到威胁. Following these guidelines will help ensure 有效的 disease...

Changing Idaho Feed Crop Supply and Demand—Implications

自20世纪90年代初以来,集中饲养动物的动物数量有所增加. 这种高涨影响了用作饲料的作物的供需,比如苜蓿干草,...

Country of Origin Labeling and 牲畜 Producers

原产地标签法是联邦法规,要求任何向食品零售商提供原产地标签商品的个人或实体, 比如超市, 俱乐部仓库,...

Dairy Ammonia Control Practices

"Rules for the Control of Ammonia from Dairy Farms," established by the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality in 2006, requires Idaho dairy farms that may emit more than 100 tons of ammonia per...

Dairy Compost Production and Use in Idaho: On-Farm Composting Management

本出版物描述了堆肥管理实践,从堆肥材料的准备到成品的评估. 作者: Lide Chen and Mario deHaro...

Dairy Compost Production and Use in Idaho: The Composting Process

这份出版物解释了什么是堆肥,它是如何发生的,以及各种因素是如何影响它的. 在爱达荷州堆肥乳制品废物和在农场使用乳制品堆肥系列的第一篇. 作者:...

Dairy Manure Field Applications: How Much is Too Much?

Dairy manure can increase crop yields and improve soil. 然而,粪便也会导致某些营养物质过量,从而破坏水道和作物. 这 publication presents background...

Date, Rate, and Place: The Field Book for Dairy Manure Applicators

本出版物提供了记录保存表和例子,在奶牛场肥料的应用. Examples are provided for a number of different manure handling systems. 作者:安迪·巴里;...

Dehorn Calves with Paste/Descornar Terneras con Pasta

Of the various methods for dehorning calves that will live in confined areas, 用浆糊去角质很容易, 有效的, economical and low stress to the animals. 这 illustrated sheet covers the...




两季冬季饲料与玉米青贮增加了总饲料可用于畜牧业,同时也从土壤中去除更多的磷. 这 13-page bulletin with 14 figures...


在美国,将压榨的甜菜果肉青贮用于乳制品饲料是一种相对较新的做法.S. 这 publication summarizes storage alternatives, guidelines for ensiling pressed beet pulp, 还有一些建议...

Estimating Long-Term Idaho Hay Prices Using Multiple Data Sources

乳制品行业可以对其他农产品市场产生重大影响, particularly those like alfalfa hay, 奶类饲料中使用哪一种. In other words, hay and milk prices move...

Estimating the Efficiency and Cost of an On-Farm Centrifuge Separator

Cows generate huge amounts of manure annually on Idaho farms, organic waste that demands 有效的 management. 离心机提供了一个更高效的系统,尽管许多国有生产商依赖于其他设备,...

Getting Ready for the Fair: Clipping 牛肉

给牛剪毛不仅能帮助牛更有效地调节体温, it improves its appearance for showtime or auction. But it’s a learned skill that takes a lot of practice. 这...

Getting the Most Feed Nutrient for the Dollar

本出版物描述了家畜生产者应使用的一种过程,以确定一种饲料的价值,这种饲料将提供能量或蛋白质,以平衡以饲料为基础的日粮. 作者:格伦·谢梅克;...

Idaho Environmental/Nutrient Management Program (E/NMP) Basics

Nutrient management is not a game. 它验证了你的牲畜操作的健康状况,因此需要一个文件化的计划(称为环境/营养管理计划)。, 由...

Inland Pacific Northwest 牧场 日历

《bet365亚洲官网》是一份综合性指南,旨在帮助改善该地区牧草-牲畜系统的草地管理. From eight chapters and eighteen appendices, learn...

Landscaping and Utilities: Problems, Prevention, and Plant Selection

Without careful planning and plant selection prior to planting, 树木和灌木会成为房主和企业的麻烦、危险和昂贵的问题. 本刊物...

牲畜 Care for Beginning and Small-Scale Producers

饲养和照顾牲畜需要承担很多责任,并使生产者面临陡峭(快速)的学习曲线, especially for those just starting out and/or who run small-scale...

Manure and Wastewater Sampling

对爱达荷州42个奶牛场样本的审查表明,废水泻湖中的氮(N)和磷(P)在不同农场和不同年份之间差异很大. So manure should be tested as close...

Mitigating High-Phosphorus 土壤

根据爱达荷州法律, 畜牧业经营者必须确保他们的经营活动不会向土壤中倾倒过量的磷, which could then contaminate surface water or groundwater. 这...

Odor Control Practices for Northwest Dairies

最近,太平洋西北地区的大型奶牛饲养活动有所增加. 它们会产生大量的粪便,这些粪便的气味会引起与邻居的冲突. 这...

牧场 and Grazing Management in the Northwest

We are currently out of stock of printed copies. Please access the free PDF of this publication in the “Publication Links” box. $18 The comprehensive resource for anyone who manages livestock on...


奶农, particularly those who run small- and middle-sized enterprises, face significant economic challenges. Financial guidance is more critical than ever. 这 three-part series addresses...


奶农, particularly those who run small- and middle-sized enterprises, face significant economic challenges. Financial guidance is more critical than ever. 这 three-part series offers...


奶农, particularly those who run small- and middle-sized enterprises, face significant economic challenges. Financial guidance is more critical than ever. 这 three-part series offers...


Agricultural odors can be quite problematic for livestock producers, particularly when the neighbors begin to complain. Monitoring these unpleasant smells can help producers to gauge their severity...

Sampling Dairy Manure and Compost for Nutrient Analysis

通过检测牛粪或堆肥的营养成分,可以揭示其营养价值,并决定施肥量, but it must be done correctly. 这 six-page guide shows you how to conduct a...

Spring Annual Forage Hay Production in North-Central Idaho

Cattle producers in north-central Idaho need quality feed for their herds. But to satisfy that need, you need to do your homework. 这 publication helps growers and cattlemen understand how to use...


自1996年以来, 美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)通过《bet365亚洲官网》(VFD)采取了监管行动,以确保在所有食品生产中用于治疗细菌性疾病的药物...


E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10

圆周大道875号,ms2332 莫斯科,号码83844-2332



