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E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10

875 Perimeter Drive MS 2332 Moscow, ID 83844-2332






Introduction to Forest Carbon, Offsets and Markets

在这本18页的出版物中了解森林碳、补偿和市场的基础知识. 森林的主人, 土地管理者, 自然资源专家和其他感兴趣的土地所有者将找到它的讨论...

A Field Guide to Grasses and Grass-Like Plants of Idaho

$29.95 Grasses and grass-like plants are key to the productivity, function and diversity of Idaho's rangelands, 湿地和森林. Learn to identify almost 100 plant species and understand the...

应用ing Adaptive Grazing Management

放牧管理需要灵活性,以适应不断变化的气候条件, 由于濒危或受威胁的物种,可能需要改变公共土地的放牧管理.

Backpack Guide to Idaho Range Plants

$19.爱达荷州广阔的牧场上生长着丰富多样的植物,能引起好奇的探险家和观察力敏锐的博物学家的兴趣. This full-color guide is the ideal tool for...


黑苜蓿(Medicago lupulina)是产于欧亚大陆的一年生或短生多年生植物. It can be found in lawns, 牧场, rights-of-way and other marginal sites. Learn how to manage this...


本出版物是“牧场主对牧场主案例研究系列:提高太平洋西北地区牧场主的复原力”的一部分. 作者:Sonia A. 霍尔,蒂普顿·D. 乔治·G·哈德森. Yorgey J.

通过参与建立复原力:Brenda和Tony Richards -牧场主对牧场主案例研究系列:提高太平洋西北地区牧场主的复原力

本出版物是“牧场主对牧场主案例研究系列:提高太平洋西北地区牧场主的复原力”的一部分. 作者:Sonia A. 霍尔,蒂普顿·D. 哈德逊,K. 斯科特·詹森,J.

Curlycup Gumweed

卷叶胶菊(Grindelia squarrosa) (Pursh)杜纳尔原产于北美,除了美国东南部. This forb (herbaceous broadleaf plant) is commonly found along roadsides,...

Grazing management that achieves multiple-use goals, Russ Stingley (Rancher-to-Rancher Case Study series)

本出版物是“牧场主对牧场主案例研究系列:提高太平洋西北地区牧场主的复原力”的一部分. 作者:蒂普顿·D. 索尼娅·哈德逊. 大厅,J. 香农Neibergs,...

Inland Pacific Northwest 牧场 日历

《bet365亚洲官网》是一份综合性指南,旨在帮助改善该地区牧草-牲畜系统的草地管理. From eight chapters and eighteen appendices, learn...

Invertebrate Pest Management for Pacific Northwest 牧场s

几种昆虫(节肢动物和腹足动物)生活在太平洋西北部的牧场上, but unfortunately many of them can reduce its productivity. This well-illustrated publication...

Meadow Deathcamas in the Pacific Northwest

Found in all areas of the Pacific Northwest, 草甸毒蝇(Toxicoscordion venenosum)能够杀死牲畜,无论是作为饲料食用还是作为干干草食用. Human poisonings have been...

Monitoring Populations of Sage-Grouse

bet365亚洲官网和爱达荷州立大学主办的爱达荷州立大学研讨会论文集. Discusses the importance of monitoring populations of animal species. 更大的...

Nightshade: Biology and Control in the Pacific Northwest

Covers nightshade distribution in the Pacific Northwest; identification of hairy, 黑色的, cultleaf and bittersweet nightshades; nightshade biology and toxicity; crop damage; and control practices...

牧场 and Range Plants that Endanger 牲畜 in Southwestern Idaho

这本出版物是在爱达荷州西南部牧场和牧场发现的35种常见有毒植物的基本指南. Concise plant descriptions, paired with stunning photography, will help...

牧场 Principles for Smaller Acreages

牧场和小农场在爱达荷州的农村地区突然出现, spurring demand for information on pasture management. This updated publication addresses the most common concerns...

Photo Monitoring for Ranchers Field Guide

This condensed version of PNW 671, Photo Monitoring for Ranchers Technical Guide , contains pointers and suggestions for photo monitoring. Side 2 serves as a photo board template. 作者:阿曼达...

Photo Monitoring for Ranchers Technical Guide

开始使用这八步指南覆盖设备的牧场照片监控, 照片时间, site selection and identification, photography and photo boards, field notes and photo...

Pigweeds: Current and Emerging Weed Threats in the Pacific Northwest

Pigweed is an invasive plant pest usually found in disturbed areas, like farmland and along roadsides and fencelines. 由于它们的侵略性会降低作物产量,本PNW讨论了如何...

Protecting and Landscaping 首页s in the Wildland/Urban Interface

Despite the specter of climate change, 自那以后,易发生野火的社区(房屋位于自然植被内或直接毗邻的地区)的住房开发稳步增加...


With a spiny fruit capable of injuring hooves, feet and vehicle tires, growers from across the spectrum can learn to effectively manage this weed. 作者:Dale K. Whaley, Robert Parker, Rick...

牧场 外展 Activities Manual

本指南旨在帮助4-H青年为爱达荷牧场技能马拉松活动做准备. 这个活动是一个动手的户外科学活动,旨在教育青少年和成年人 about the vast rangeland...

牧场 外展 Activities Manual: Coaches' Edition

本指南旨在帮助辅导员为4-H青年准备爱达荷牧场技能马拉松活动. 这个活动是一个动手的户外科学活动,旨在教育青少年和成年人...


刺骨草是一种外来的草本二年生或匍匐多年生植物,积极侵扰牧场, cropland and disturbed areas. Along with explanations of management strategies,...


苏格兰蓟是一种有毒的地方杂草,19世纪从地中海地区作为观赏植物引入美国. At its worst, it forms dense, virtually...


蓝束小麦草和爱达荷溃烂是沿爱达荷州鲑鱼河的中叉和东叉的灌木-草原群落的优势或主要次优势. Learn more about nineteen of...

Threat-Based Land Management in the Northern Great Basin: A Field Guide

大盆地北部的山艾树生态系统受到入侵的杜松和入侵的一年生草的威胁. 本指南提供了一个简化的框架,以帮助土地管理者评估和...

Threat-Based Land Management in the Northern Great Basin: A Manager's Guide

大盆地北部的山艾树生态系统受到入侵的杜松和入侵的一年生草的威胁. 本指南提供了一个简化的框架,以帮助土地管理者评估和...

Threat-based Management for Creeks, Streams and Rivers

了解如何快速评估和管理水系统在这个66页的充分说明指南. 这个决策支持工具是为那些对河岸生态知之甚少的人设计的...

连接到 Land: Succession Planning for Property Owners

无论你拥有农场、森林还是牧场,你都关心你的财产,关心它会发生什么. 这就是为什么你需要一个接班计划来帮助指导公司向未来所有者的过渡. 连接到...

Western Roots: Diving into a sagebrush sea of diversity

乍一看,山艾树的海洋实际上是一个复杂多样的生态系统,里面有各种各样的植物和动物. The sagebrush steppe teems with life, but threats such...

Western 水hemlock in the Pacific Northwest

西部水铁杉(xCicuta douglasii)是北美最毒的植物——一块核桃大小的根就能杀死一头成熟的牛. Every part of the plant is toxic. 帮助...

White Campion or White Cockle

白色的草蓬或白鸦寄生在干草地、路边、沟渠和篱笆上. Learn how to identify, 预防和控制白色这个多产的种子生产者在这三页的简介, 繁荣地...


An abundant seed producer, wild carrot grows in meadows, 牧场, along roadsides and in non-crop areas. 华盛顿的一种B类有毒杂草,这种害虫破坏了种植的胡萝卜种子,可能是...


E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10

875 Perimeter Drive MS 2332 Moscow, ID 83844-2332



