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E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10

875 Perimeter Drive MS 2332 Moscow, ID 83844-2332

Phone: 208-885-7982




害虫 and 农药

Bed Bugs in the Classroom

What do you do if you find a bed bug in school? This fact sheet for educators and families covers prevention, identification and best practices for treating an infestation. 作者:Dawn H. 挖,...

Beware Signs of White Rot in Garlic and Other Allium Crops

White rot is a very serious disease of garlic and onion. 这本三页的绿拇指出版物将帮助你识别这种疾病,并准备防御它在你的花园里生长,...

Blossom-End Rot in Tomatoes

Any gardener gets discouraged when they see a dark, 在葡萄藤成熟的西红柿底部长出革质斑块. 这个斑点表明是花端腐病,一种钙缺乏症...

Centrocoris volxemi—A Newly Introduced Idaho Insect

volxemi Centrocoris是一种引进的非本地真虫(具有刺穿吮吸口器的昆虫),自2020年以来一直在扩大其在美国和爱达荷州的已知范围.

Cereal Grass Aphid: A Newly Invasive Pest in North America

禾草蚜虫是一种新入侵的北美蚜虫. It colonizes cultivated crops like wheat, 大麦和燕麦, 吸食它们的汁液并将它们作为繁殖的宿主,...

Chemical Weed Control in New Spring-Seeded Alfalfa

杂草管理是苜蓿生产中最重要的措施之一, particularly in new seeding. 本公告简要讨论了两种基于化学的方法:预出现或预种植...

Controlando a los Topillos en Idaho

Los topillos被控制在Los productos químicos或Los productos químicos llamados“啮齿动物”.他说:“我们采取的战略是减少产品的数量,包括减少产品的数量和减少产品的数量...

Controlando los Insectos Picudos en el Césped

Esta publicación描述los síntomas通过las strategies de control para los gusanos de los inlos inlos picudos (las larvas)在los csamspides de Idaho. Las estrategias sin el uso de los productos...

Controlling Iron Deficiency in Plants in Idaho

One of the most common problems for Idaho growers, 园艺师和家庭园丁是植物缺铁或黄化. Leaves turn yellow while the veins remain green. This publication describes...

El Control de las Avispas y de los Avispones en Idaho

Aprenda a reconocer las avispas chaquetas amarillas bravas, los avispones cariblancos, 在爱达荷州,我们通过控制我们的产品químicos来获取纸张. Autores: Stuart C.


Potato and tomato plants are susceptible to late blight, 一种由类似真菌的病原体引起的疾病,导致了1845年至1852年的爱尔兰马铃薯饥荒. The disease is still with us today and continues...


本出版物描述了华盛顿12种最常见的结构害虫蚂蚁, 爱达荷州和俄勒冈州. 附图和说明后介绍蚂蚁和他们的一般...

Integrated Pest Management for Ants in Schools

Ant species are often beneficial in landscape settings. 它们给土壤通风,传播种子,并在有机物循环中发挥重要作用. But the same ant species obtain pest status...

Integrated Pest Management for Ants in the Classroom

蚂蚁入侵学校建筑是太平洋西北地区常见的害虫问题. 许多种类的蚂蚁都非常善于寻找食物和水分,而且收割效率很高...

Integrated Pest Management for Bed Bugs in Schools

While schools are generally inhospitable to bed bugs, it's not uncommon to encounter bed bugs in school settings. 臭虫有时会偷偷溜到送回学校的物品上,或者落在学生身上...

Integrated Pest Management of Aphids in 谷物

病虫害在住宅和商业粮食生产环境中都很普遍, 这意味着每年都有大量的爱达荷州人与他们竞争. Part of an integrated pest...

Integrated Pest Management of Armyworms

病虫害在住宅和商业粮食生产环境中都很普遍, 这意味着每年都有大量的爱达荷州人与他们竞争. Part of an integrated pest...

Integrated Pest Management of Cutworms

病虫害在住宅和商业粮食生产环境中都很普遍, 这意味着每年都有大量的爱达荷州人与他们竞争. Part of an integrated pest...

Integrated Pest Management of Fusarium Dry Rot in Potato

病虫害在住宅和商业粮食生产环境中都很普遍, 这意味着每年都有大量的爱达荷州人与他们竞争. Part of an integrated pest...

Integrated Pest Management of Pea Aphids in Legumes

病虫害在住宅和商业粮食生产环境中都很普遍, 这意味着每年都有大量的爱达荷州人与他们竞争. Part of an integrated pest...

Integrated Pest Management of Pea Leaf Weevil in Legumes

病虫害在住宅和商业粮食生产环境中都很普遍, 这意味着每年都有大量的爱达荷州人与他们竞争. Part of an integrated pest...

Integrated Pest Management of Pea Weevil in Peas

病虫害在住宅和商业粮食生产环境中都很普遍, 这意味着每年都有大量的爱达荷州人与他们竞争. Part of an integrated pest...

La Enfermedad “Slime Flux” de los Árboles

的粘液通量,' o madera húmeda bacteriana, comúnmente afecta a los siguentes árboles de Idaho-Álamo de norteamsamica(杨木), 酱汁, olmo, y阿拉莫. Aprenda los síntomas de 'slime flux,' los...

Large Raspberry Aphid (Amphorophora agathonica)

Large raspberry aphid, Amphorophora agathonica , 是西北太平洋地区红莓和黑莓的重要害虫. 它传播植物病毒,导致甘蔗活力和果实下降...

Manage 野生动物 Conflicts in Your 首页 and Garden

我们的家园和花园经常与野生动物使用的空间和资源重叠, both native and non-native. “共享栖息地”的情况会给动物的日常生活带来一些挑战...

Management of Vegetable Diseases in 首页 花园

给s six practices to help you keep garden plants healthy, 从季末处理植物残留物到偶尔使用杀虫剂. 作者:W. 迈克尔·柯尔特,S. Krishna Mohan, Saad L.

Monitoring Insect Bucket Traps

Learn how to set up a bucket trap for monitoring flying insects. This method allows farmers, 园丁或其他害虫管理人员了解更多关于昆虫进入他们的作物. 该方法的工作原理如下:...


学习使用樟脑丸的正确方法——化学气体——来保护你的衣服和你的健康. Authors: David Stone, Tim Stock 3 pages

Natural Insecticides

本出版物解决了与标有“天然”和“有机”的产品相关的常见误解,并描述了用于家庭园艺的相关杀虫剂. 类别包括...

Organic Management of Flea Beetles

跳蚤甲虫是太平洋西北地区常见的花园害虫. 以十字花科和茄科植物为食的蚤甲虫可以在叶子和马铃薯块茎上留下疤痕, 导致...


穿透植物组织或以其他方式移动到植物不同部位的农药在某些应用中可能比不重新分配的农药更有效. Factor this property...

Reading and Understanding Pesticide Labels

农药标签是一种法律文件,其内容保护使用者、消费者和环境. 这个有用的七页公告告诉你如何阅读和理解这个精心制作的...

Red Fire Bug — A New Idaho Invader?

红色的火虫, Pyrrhocoris apterus (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae), 一个引进的入侵的虫子是真正的红黑相间的鲜艳的身体吗. Since its introduction and establishment, the...

Slime Flux of Trees

如果不及早发现, 黏液通量(细菌湿木)在爱达荷州的许多树木上产生难看的污渍和令人不快的气味, typically cottonwood, 柳树和榆树. Worse, it can also kill...

Soil Insects and Other Arthropods in Palouse Agroecosystems

Soil arthropods play a significant role in the soil ecosystem. 但生产者往往更熟悉其他土壤生物, like earthworms and microbes. To address the knowledge gap,...

Storage Management of Dakota Russet 土豆

达科他赤褐色是一种多用途和受欢迎的马铃薯品种,其西北太平洋地区的种植面积近年来有所扩大. With increased yields comes larger storage volumes. Based on the results of...


E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10

875 Perimeter Drive MS 2332 Moscow, ID 83844-2332

Phone: 208-885-7982


