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课程描述: Full credit may be earned in only one of the following: CHEM 101, or CHEM 111. Note that grades in CHEM 111 will supersede any grades earned in CHEM 101. Intensive treatment of principles and applications of chemistry. Recommended Preparation: A grade of 'B' or better in a high school chemistry course. 通常提供:秋季和春季. *请注意,化学111L(实验室)没有荣誉部分*


  • CRN – 10726; Section No.30
  • 教授:Jeffrey Cross
  • 时间表:MWF上午9:30-10:20.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 有效演讲的技巧和技巧. 


  • CRN – 20981; Section No. 13
  • 教师:Diane Carter
  • 时间:下午1:30-2:20.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 基本编程结构, 算法和问题解决, 基本数据结构, 编程语言概述, 虚拟机, 语言翻译概论, 声明和类型, 抽象机制, 面向对象编程. 这门课程包括一个实验.


  • CRN – 27736; Section No. 1
  • 教授:Michael Wilder
  • 时间安排:MWF上午10:30-11:20.m., T 10:30-12:20 p.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Applied principles of expository and argumentative essay writing, 包括总结, 批评, 以及文本的合成, and the research essay; emphasis on clear, 简洁的, 和有力的散文. 等级A/B/C/N(重复)/F.


  • CRN – 15913; Section No. 3
  • 教师:TBD
  • 时间安排:MWF上午10:30-11:20.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Intermediate course in the practices of personal and exploratory writing; may include personal narrative and observation, 自传, or extended reflection; special attention to prose style and voice; includes research-based writing.


  • CRN – 15853; Section No. 2
  • 教授:Jennifer Ladino
  • 活动时间:下午2:00 - 3:15.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Major texts reflecting development of Western thought and culture, 从古典希腊到文艺复兴.


  • CRN – 46058; Section No. 2
  • 教员:Tom Drake
  • 活动时间:下午2:00-3:15.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Further study of principles and practice of effective technical communication. Projects teach conventions of tone and style appropriate to the specific discourse situation in a variety of formats, 包括口语, 写, 视觉, 多媒体类型.


  • CRN – 15840; Section No. 2
  • 教授:奥斯卡·奥斯瓦尔德
  • 时间表:在线
  • 投递方式:网上投递
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Principles of statics with engineering applications; addition and resolution of forces, 向量代数, 瞬间和情侣, 生成物和静力平衡, 等效力系, 重心, 重心, 自由体分析法, 二维和三维平衡, 桁架, 帧, 和摩擦. 合作:开放给WSU攻读学位的学生.


  • CRN – 44555; Section No. 4
  • 教授:JJ·彼得森
  • 时间安排:MWF上午10:30-11:20.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Physical properties of fluids; fluid statics; continuity, 能源, momentum relationships; laminar and turbulent flow; boundary layer effects; flow in pipes, 开放的渠道, 周围的物体. 合作:开放给WSU攻读学位的学生.


  • CRN – 45095; Section No. 3
  • 教员:乌德内·阿德马苏
  • 时间:MWF上午8:30-9:20.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 对现代世界的贡献,直到1650年.


  • CRN – 45140; Section No. 2
  • 教授:艾伦·基特尔
  • 行程:上午9:30-10:45.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: From Marvel to Hollywood to fantasy to literature, ancient myth weaves its way through modern life. 但这些神话最初的形式是怎样的呢? 他们在古代世界扮演了什么角色? 我们如何用它们来理解古代文化? 今天我们仍然可以应用哪些教训和主题呢? This class is intended to introduce students broadly to ancient mythology. 我们将深入研究古代神话中所有乱七八糟的怪异之处, 从英雄任务到复活故事, 敬那些行为恶劣的神. 我们将探讨人与神的关系等主题, 上帝生气,惩罚人类, 起源的故事, 性与神话, and quests and adventure stories through five mytho-cultural groups: the Mesopotamians, 埃及人, 希腊人, 罗马人, 和凯尔特人. You will then complete group research projects and presentations focused on a different mytho-cultural group: Norse/Germanic, 波斯, 非洲人或非洲侨民群体的文化选择, 中国人, 日本, 印度(印度), 美洲原住民的文化选择, 波利尼西亚(夏威夷, 萨摩亚, Māori, 汤加语), 和澳大利亚土著.


  • CRN – 46218; Section No. 2
  • 教授:艾莉森·罗伊
  • 时间表:MWF上午9:30-10:20.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Evolution of medieval Christian society from reign of Constantine (c. 300年)任命英诺森三世为教皇(1215年), 如修道会和行乞会所表达的, 十字军东征, 12世纪文艺复兴时期, 和异端. 


  • CRN – 46217; Section No. 2
  • 教授:艾伦·基特尔
  • 时间:下午3:30-4:45.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: This course is required for new first-year and transfer honors students. It introduces students to the Honors Program community and prepares them for the academic expectations of the program. It also provides new students with an opportunity to think about their expectations and goals surrounding their college education and introduces them to academic and co-curricular resources available at the university.


  • CRN – 45118; Section No. 1
  • 教授:奥布里·肖
  • 活动时间:下午4:00-5:50.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:1学分

课程描述: This 大学荣誉课程 course is designed for honors students who are actively working towards completing an honors thesis or honors portfolio by the time they graduate from the university and the honors program with an undergraduate degree. The course is intended to assist students with the final assignment of their honors thesis or honors portfolio, i. e., the public presentation of their thesis or portfolio work at the bi-annual Honors Forum in either December or May each year.


  • CRN – 44307; Section No. 1
  • 教授:Sandra Reineke
  • 时间:下午3:30-4:20.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:1学分

课程描述: This 大学荣誉课程 course is designed for honors students who are actively working towards completing an honors thesis or an honors portfolio by the time they graduate from the university and complete the honors program. After researching and writing their honors thesis or completing their honors professional portfolio, students are expected to enroll in INTR 440 Honors Presentations, 通常是在bet365亚洲官网的最后一个学期, when they present their findings at the public Honors Forum in either December or May each year.


  • CRN – 42277; Section No. 1
  • 教授:Sandra Reineke
  • 时间:下午3:30-5:20.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Student ambassadors are selected through an application and interview process. Students will learn skills in leadership, communication, networking, and public speaking. Students will be responsible for representing the College of Science in various recruiting activities and events.


  • CRN – 44547; Section No. 2
  • 教授:Roopal Jani
  • 时间安排:下午4:00-4:50.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:1学分

课程描述: Overview of principal UN agencies and current UN activities; emphasis on 写 and oral presentations through resolution and position paper writing, 谈判, 小组讨论.


  • CRN – 39998; Section No. 2
  • 教授:比尔·史密斯
  • 时间:MWF上午8:30-9:20.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: 物质的热力学性质, 热力学第一和第二定律, thermodynamic analysis of mechanical engineering thermal components and cycles, 湿度的过程, 介绍燃烧系统. 通常提供:秋季和春季.


  • CRN – 43622; Section No. 2
  • 丹·戈登
  • 时间:MWF 12:30-1:20.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Mechanics of materials approach to three-dimensional stress and strain, 不对称弯曲, 剪切中心, 弯曲梁, 厚壁压力容器, 非圆扭, 能源的方法, 先进强度理论. 初等运动学入门. 大量使用实体建模和使用方程求解器.


  • CRN – 44567; Section No. 2
  • 教授:罗伯特·斯蒂芬斯
  • 时间表:MWF上午9:30-10:20.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Transmission by conduction of heat in steady and unsteady states, 通过自由对流和强制对流, and by radiation; combined effects of conduction, 对流, 和辐射. 通常提供:秋季和春季.


  • CRN – 43712; Section No. 2
  • 丹·戈登
  • 时间:下午1:30-2:20.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Introduction to philosophical reasoning through historical study of moral thought.


  • CRN – 15554; Section No. 8
  • 教师:Casey Johnson
  • 时间表:MWF上午9:30-10:20.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Survey of approaches used to describe and explain conflict and cooperation among states in the international system; special emphasis on games of strategic interaction.


  • CRN – 44552; Section No. 3
  • 教员:弗洛里安·加斯特万
  • 时间表:MWF上午9:30-10:20.m.
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

课程描述: Credit will not awarded for STAT 251 after STAT 301 or STAT 416, 或STAT 251或STAT 301之后的STAT 416. 统计方法入门, 包括统计研究的设计, 基本抽样方法, 描述性统计, 概率和抽样分布, 调查和实验中的推论, 回归, 方差分析.


  • CRN – 38408; Section No. 5
  • 教师:Renae Shrum
  • 时间:MWF上午8:30-9:20.m., W 12:30 - 1:20 p.m. (复习课-每隔一周,日期待定)
  • 授课方式:课堂会议
  • 学分:3学分

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