

U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support 学生 on their road to graduation. 登录SlateConnect.


E. J. 农业科学实验室,40室







作为一个接受联邦资助的机构, University of Idaho 扩展 is required to comply with USDA 公民权利 nondiscrimination policies, 规章制度. 用户界面扩展 is committed to serving all residents of Idaho with focus on expanding access to educational programs to under-represented groups.


  • UI扩展不歧视.
  • 用户界面扩展 does not provide services to 年龄ncies and organizations that eng年龄 in discrimination.
  • 用户界面扩展有责任将这些策略告知公众.
  • 用户界面扩展 proactively plans and implements its plans to meet compliance obligations.
  • 用户界面扩展 must document its progress in its efforts to comply with 公民权利 standards.
  • 用户界面扩展必须报告其履行民权义务的努力.
  • 用户界面扩展 工作人员 regularly evaluate their success and make adjustments for improving outreach and compliance.

查看或下载有关的最新资料 公民权利和多元化政策及程序(pdf).


沙点的城市, 心d 'Alene, 莫斯科, 博伊西, 凯彻姆, Pocatello and Idaho Falls have broadened their ordinances to prohibit discrimination on the basis of 性取向 or 性别 identity.

的 District of Columbia and 22 states have added 性取向 and 性别 identity as protected classes to their anti-discrimination laws.

根据人权运动, 91 percent of Fortune 500 companies have adopted policies prohibiting discrimination on the basis of 性取向 and 61 percent on the basis of 性别 identity.

While neither the United States Congress nor the Idaho Legislature have added the words "性取向" or "性别 identity" to the federal and state anti-discrimination laws, the United States Supreme Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth District have both held that an employer can be liable for sexual harassment under Title VII if its employee is subject to quid pro quo harassment or a hostile work environment that is based upon the employee's sex. Onacle v. Sundowner Offshore 服务 Inc., 523 U.S. 75 (1998); 雷内·v. 米高梅大酒店有限公司., 305 F.3d 1061(第9卷. 2002).

政府事务最新消息 & 宣传委员会. C. 莫法特·托马斯的克莱顿·吉尔.

Change From Within (movie and curriculum viewing guide) by the University of Missouri 扩展 is a documentary about educator Eliot Battle and the pivotal role he played in desegregating schools, 住房和哥伦比亚社区. 因为巴特以平静的决心推动了变革, 他面临着来自黑人和白人社区的阻力. His calm demeanor and dedicated work within existing institutions and systems allowed him to bridge the gap between the two races and change Columbia for the better.

课程指南可以用来丰富观众对纪录片的体验. Questions in the curriculum are separated into schools, community and 4-H youth development. 的 questions provided are aligned with the following National 的matic Standards for Teachers of Social Studies:

  • 文化与文化多样性
  • 时间,连续性和变化
  • 人、地点和环境
  • 个人发展与认同
  • 权力、权威和治理
  • 公民理想与实践

UI扩展致力于遵守适用的联邦法规, state and local 规章制度 pertaining to the openness of our programs and employment opportunities to all. It is important that we promptly address any concerns about discrimination or harassment, 包括性骚扰.


UI扩展鼓励, 但不要求, individuals to try to resolve complaints with the 扩展 employee providing the program or service at the local level. 然而, 如果这是不可能的, 或者如果个人的投诉没有得到满意的解决, then they should be taken to the district director within each of our three districts. 的 关于UI扩展 p年龄 will assist you in finding the county in each district and the director in which to contact.


那些有问题的人, concern or complaints about 用户界面扩展's policies or practices related to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action should contact Charity Buchert.

A "And Justice for All" 海报 should be displayed in all University of Idaho 扩展 offices and where 扩展 faculty and 工作人员 are located per USDA civil rights policy. 欲索取海报,请联系Charity Buchert.


多样性包括接受和尊重. 每个人都有自己的个性. 差异可以沿着种族的维度, 种族, 性别, 性取向, 社会经济地位, 年龄, 体能, 宗教信仰, 政治信仰或其他意识形态. 的 农学院 and 生命科学 encour年龄s the exploration of these differences in a safe, 积极和培育的环境. In order to move beyond tolerance and embrace diversity we must understand each other and celebrate the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual.

Members of the 农学院 and 生命科学 (CALS) come from diverse backgrounds and bring different experiences, perspectives and skill sets to the deliberations they undertake in exercising their responsibilities as employees of the University. 教师 and 工作人员 should endeavor to use langu年龄 that does not denigrate or draw inappropriate attention to 年龄, 残疾, 种族, 性别, 宗教信仰, 性或性取向. It is expected that interaction and decision-making will be conducted with respect for differences of opinion and in a constructive fashion. 互动应该是开放、诚实、清晰和尊重的. 学院成员必须尊重诚信并公开支持, CALS的政策, 程序和雇员.

Collegiality consists of a shared decision making process and a set of values which regard the members of the various university constituencies as essential for the success of the academic enterprise. 它包含了对背景相似性和差异性的相互尊重, 专业知识, judgments and assigned responsibilities and involves mutual trust based on experience. Central to collegiality is respect for differing opinions and points of view which welcomes diversity and actively sponsors its opinions. 大学必须是尊重个人的最后的公共堡垒, 不管他们是不是教职员工, 学生, 工作人员, 校友或行政部门.


  • 《365bet中文》作者:Kathy Castania,康奈尔大学
  • 《bet365亚洲官网》,作者:Kathy Castania,康奈尔大学


  • 盲点:好人的隐性偏见作者:Mahzarin R. 巴纳吉和安东尼·G. 格林沃尔德
  • 桑德拉·蒂德曼的《bet365亚洲官网》
  • 特权、权力与差异(第二版. 约翰逊
  • Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Workforce: New Rules for a New Generation by Natalie Holder-Winfield


培训内容包括1964年《bet365亚洲官网》第六章, 1972年教育修正案第9条和项目可及性, 美国残疾人.


E. J. 农业科学实验室,40室




