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M.F.A. 学生

亚历克斯·康纳斯 (小说,第三年)是2024-2025年海明威研究员. They attended UMas-Amherst, where they studied poetry 和 social thought. Their piece "Spaceship" was selected as runner-up in the 2024 海登的渡轮评论 小说大赛. Before coming to the bet365亚洲官网, Alex spent many years as a farmer in western Massachusetts.

玛吉Nipps (诗歌,第三年)是一位来自威斯康星州的诗人. 她的作品已出版或即将出版 Southeast Review, Salt Hill, Peach Mag, mercury firs, Berkeley Poetry Review,以及其他地方. 她担任主编 赋格曲 的联合创始人/联合编辑 下午客人是一本关于诗歌和混合文本的杂志.

Gianna Starble (小说, 3rd year) is a writer, educator, 和 performer from Colorado. 他们作为艺术和混合形式编辑器 赋格曲. 他们的工作即将完成 Foglifter. 写作之外, Gianna helps organize the Pop-Up Prose reading series 和 performs drag in 莫斯科, 爱达荷州.

斯宾塞的年轻 (诗歌,第三年)是一个诗人,作家和编辑. 他们写朋克音乐、酷儿和好书. 地形.org,《bet365亚洲官网》,《bet365亚洲官网》,其他人也发表了他们的研究成果. 他们编辑评论和采访 赋格曲以及他们的第一部室内歌剧 让我们炸掉一个加油站!,于2024年在西雅图歌剧院首演.

艾米丽福尔摩斯 (Nonfiction, 3rd year) is an essayist, poet, 和 rangel和 ecologist from 爱达荷州. Her writing asks questions of survival 和 hope in the American West, 她最近的作品见于 Arkana关于地方日志. 艾米丽是赋格杂志的纪实编辑. 

Tymber狼 (Nonfiction, 3rd year) is a lover of things with scales, long walks, 和 epistemology. They are happy to be writing in 爱达荷州, but would prefer if 爱达荷州 were a bit tropical. Tymber writes of swamps, bodies, cycles,和 depth of family in meditative braids. 

米利暗Akervall (诗歌, 3rd year) is a translator 和 poet from Michigan. 他们的作品已经或即将出版 《bet365亚洲官网》《365bet中文》,以及其他地方. They work in the 写作中心 where they co-founded a journal of creative writing for incarcerated students.

艾丽西亚最终 (非虚构类,三年级)来自加拿大西部. 她的作品发表于 马拉哈特评论,Sundog Lit, plentiplentimagazine,和 南方文学节选集.

特里克茜Zwolfer (小说, 3rd year) received her BA from Montana State University, 她在哪里学习写作和文学. 目前,她担任小说编辑 赋格曲 和 writes about strange forests, bodily transformation, 和 owls. In her free time, she can be found drinking copious amounts of tea.

凯蒂·路德维希 (Nonfiction, 2nd year) moved to North 爱达荷州 20 years ago to pursue her dance degree. 在组建家庭之后, she didn’t quite finish but came back years later 和 fell in love with writing. She is also a singer/songwriter 和 runs a local native l和scaping business.

杰森Cahoon (小说, 2nd year) came to the program from western Massachusetts. Since arriving, he has sought to incorporate STEM principles into his fiction. He is particularly interested in how 身体’s biological 和 physical mechanisms shape human experience.

里德·戴维斯 (诗歌, 二年级)是个诗人, 非小说作家, 和 editor from South Carolina who writes on themes of family, 身体, 内存, 和女性. 她是《bet365亚洲官网》的总编辑 赋格曲 而且爱吃好吃的.

Karissa卡 (诗歌,二年级)来自蒙大拿州西部. 她廉价的小册子 谷仓火 was selected for FootHills Publishing’s 2024 Montana Poets Series. Lately, she’s been seeking out little morsels of light 和 gobbling them up.

詹妮弗·余 (小说, 2nd year) is the author of three novels, including 第四次元的悲伤. 她在探索. 

安妮Burky (小说, 二年级)是个作家, poet, 和 journalist from Colorado. 她的作品发表在 Gallatin Review, Confluence, Ms. 混乱,以及其他地方. She writes about humor 和 heartbreak in interpersonal relationships, 拥有身体的荒谬, 和 how humans struggle to fit themselves into the world corporations create. 

里亚毯谢泼德 (小说,二年级)是来自爱达荷州北部的作家. She earned her BA from the bet365亚洲官网 where she studied 英语 和 creative writing. She is interested in the strange 和 unsettling, 和 often explores this in her writing. In her free time she is often painting, hiking, or excessively photographing her cat.

拉奎尔戈登 (诗歌, 二年级)是个作家, 舞者, 和 singer from Seattle where she earned her BA in creative writing 和 dance from the University of Washington. 她喜欢表演和探索超现实主义. 她是英国《365bet中文》的诗歌编辑 赋格曲.

梅根·坡 (小说, 1st year) has her BS in philosophy 和 英语 from Northern Michigan University, 她在哪里实习 段落北. 她写超现实主义生态小说和人物研究. She loves artsy horror films, shoegaze, 和 woodl和 animals. 她的第一本出版物被提名为“最佳网络”.

茉莉花琼斯 (小说,第一年)是一位来自密苏里州南部的作家. Before moving to 爱达荷州, she worked in local journalism 和 led community poetry workshops. 她目前担任营销编辑 赋格曲

约拿Radeke (诗歌, 1st year) was raised in the suburbs of Chicago 和 studied creative writing 和 art history at DePaul University. 他们经常写关于身体、艺术和记忆的文章. 他们也在家里做摄影和冲洗胶卷.

凯尔单例 (诗歌, 1st year) is a Florida-born poet who has spent the last fourteen years living in Utah 和 爱达荷州. He often writes about the intersection of place, identity, 和 spirituality. 写作之外, he enjoys fly fishing 和 binge-watching 《365bet中文》

安妮Sheneman (非虚构类,第一年)在爱达荷州的莫斯科长大. She attended the College of Wooster in Wooster, Ohio, where she studied 英语 & 剧院. Since then, she has worked as an audio engineer, cook, grant writer, 和 1913-era school teacher. She writes about whatever interests her at any given moment. 

麦迪逊王 (诗歌, 1st year) is a writer from the Central Valley in 加州. She writes about forgotten agricultural l和s, raising lamb, 和 learning food sovereignty. She likes to collect cheesy l和mark fridge magnets 和 watch 冒险一次 当她不写作的时候. 

佩奇菲利普斯 (小说, 第一年)在马林县长大, 加州, 和 earned her BA in 英语 和 Classical Studies from Trinity College in Hartford, 康涅狄格. Currently she finds herself engaged in a heated custody battle with her little sister over their beloved cat, 风笛手.

Caitlyn Simson (小说, 1st year) was raised in North Carolina but calls many places home. She earned her BA from Virginia Tech 和 is excited to both teach 和 study at the bet365亚洲官网

迪伦伯恩 (诗歌,一年级)来自威斯康辛州维罗纳市. He received his BS in Philosophy 和 创意写作 from the University of Oregon. 从那以后,他一直在打零工和写作. Recently he saw Emily Dickinson’s bed, but didn’t touch it. 她的床和书桌都朝西.

M.F.A. 创意写作






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