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The 爱达荷州马术奖 tests knowledge and skills in horsemanship. 它是为了表彰爱达荷州最有才华的青年骑手. The award sets high goals for youths and recognizes citizenship and leadership.

Any youth enrolled in an organized horse program who is age 14 by 1月. 1 and not more than age 19 during the calendar year may apply. We recommend having participated in the 4-H 马manship program or other organized groups such as Scouts, 繁育协会或小马俱乐部.

Idaho 4-H recognizes significant achievement by 4-H teens with statewide awards in areas from horsemanship to leadership to sewing.


Are you ready to advance your skills in Judging, Hippology, 马 Bowl and Oral Presentations? Eligible 4-H horse project members may compete in state level events held annually in July. 

All contests will be held in accordance with the Idaho Youth Contest 马 Procedures and 规则.

For contest dates, registration links and guidelines, please visit 爱达荷州的4-H马计划 大赛页面. 


The Livestock Skill-A-Thon is an opportunity for young people to blend knowledge and skills from livestock judging, 示威活动, 照顾和展示动物为一体的活动. It provides teens with no opportunity for livestock ownership to learn about the importance of livestock and their products to the environment, 扩大他们的知识和参与. 除了, it is an opportunity to recognize members for their total involvement in and comprehension in the livestock industry, 灌输道德价值观, 良好的体育精神和评估技巧.

2024年的比赛将于1月9日在伊利诺伊州杰罗姆举行. 2024年10月20日,杰罗姆县游乐场. 报名及缴费截止日期为 1月. 5, 2024. 逾期报名将不获接纳. 请参阅 家畜技能马拉松比赛规则(PDF) 为规则,指导方针和比赛形式.

如有问题或其他信息,请 请通过snash@uidaho联系斯科特·纳什.edu


This contest provides an opportunity for youth to put their livestock evaluation and oral reasons skills to work. The contest is held annually on the Saturday after Labor Day during the Eastern Idaho State Fair in Blackfoot.

青年队必须在县资格赛中获得参赛资格. 对所有8-18岁的青少年开放. 青少年按年龄分组参加比赛.

Winners in the senior division will be eligible to represent Idaho at the Western National Roundup in Denver, 一月份的科罗拉多州.



This contest provides an opportunity for youth to put their livestock knowledge to work. 本次比赛的目标是:

  • 刺激学习
  • 奖励4-H成员获得的知识
  • Provide a competitive setting where friendliness and fairness prevails
  • Develop teamwork, self-confidence and decision-making skills

家畜竞赛碗有一个组别. 爱达荷州的每个县都被邀请参加最多三支队伍. A team consists of four individuals and one alternate (if desired). 参赛者必须是最新的, enrolled 4-H members through ZSuite and approved by their UI 扩展 office.

参赛者必须年满8岁, 而且肯定还不到19岁生日, 在比赛年度的1月1日之前.  If a team has one or more members who are under 14 years of age, that team is NOT eligible to represent Idaho at the Western National Roundup in Denver, 科罗拉多州.


Save the 日期 — The 2024 State Livestock Quiz Bowl contest will be held 2024年7月2日 at the Gooding County 扩展 Office, 233 Lucy Lane, Gooding, ID.  If you have questions or need further information regarding the 州家畜碗竞赛 please contact Scott Nash at


This contest provides an opportunity for youth to put their dairy evaluation and oral reasons skills to work. The contest will be held annually in the Treasure Valley, during the month of June. The 2024 Idaho 4-H Dairy Judging Contest will be held on Friday, 6月28日, 2024年在Solid Rock Ranch, 日出大道6623号.,南帕,ID.

Youth may enter teams as a county or join together with multiple counties to form a team in order to be eligible to compete. 比赛对所有8-18岁的青少年开放. Teams will participate in either junior or senior age divisions. 

There will also be a showmanship contest for junior and senior age divisions.

Winners in the senior division of both contests will be eligible to represent Idaho at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI, 10月.


The EISF 4-H 超级购物者 Contest is a competitive state level event. 4-H’ers practice making decisions based on information about a situation and four available marketplace options.

Participants compare personal decisions with the decisions from a panel of judges who are knowledgeable about today’s marketplace and its various goods and services.

For more information, contact Lance Hansen at 208-359-6297 or


The 爱达荷州4-H关键奖 recognizes 4-H members who achieve significant leadership in their 4-H club and county. 该奖项鼓励项目发展, 多年来广泛的4-H活动计划, 培养优秀公民. 

County awards committees review the applications to determine awards. UI 扩展 county staff members submit the names of the Key Award winners to the state 4-H青年发展 office. 没有截止日期,所以名字可以在任何时候提交.

Each recipient is presented a key lapel pin and certificate at a countywide event. The wearer of the Idaho 4-H Key can be proud of his or her contribution to club and community.


The Idaho 4-H Rangeland Resource Commission partners with UI 4-H青年发展, Idaho Soil and Water Conservation Commission and Adams Soil Conservation District to host this annual event.

涵盖的主题包括牧场植物鉴定, 土壤鉴别, 牧场上的动物, 野火和牧场管理面临挑战.



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莫斯科,ID 83844-3015




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