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  • 西蚤甲虫(Epitrix subcrinita)
  • 马铃薯蚤甲虫(E. cucumeris)
  • 烟草蚤甲虫(E. hirtipennis)
  • 块茎蚤甲虫(E. tuberis)
  • 其他人

  • 土豆
  • 其他作物:苜蓿、玉米、小麦、油菜籽等
  • Fruits and vegetables: tomato, eggplant, pepper, greens, others
  • Brassicas including kale, cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage, may be particularly susceptible
  • 杂草:十字花科杂草,包括芥菜
  • 旱金莲和其他一些观赏植物

Flea beetles are generally quite small, usually around 1/16-1/8 inch (1.5-3.2毫米)长. 成年跳蚤甲虫的外观各不相同, 颜色范围从黑色到灰色到棕色到蓝色, and some species are uniform in color while others have stripes or other patterning (图1 and 图2). Many species tend to be somewhat metallic and most have large hind legs that allow them to jump when disturbed (giving them their name).

未成熟的蚤甲虫(幼虫)很小, 身体呈白色或微透明, 头部呈褐色,外观呈蠕虫状(图3). Larvae are soil-dwelling and pupate in the soil as well. 卵在寄主植物附近的土壤中产卵.

图1 -蚤甲虫成虫
图2 -烟草蚤成虫
图3 -块茎蚤幼虫


Flea beetles are generally only minor pests unless there is an outbreak. The feeding of adult flea beetles leaves characteristic small, round or irregular holes or shallow pits in leaves and stems (图4 and 图5). 这些孔通常小于1/8英寸(3英寸).直径2毫米). Adult feeding is of primary concern early in the season, when feeding on young shoots can cause stunting or plant death. The presence of adult-inflicted damage can also indicate that there is a risk of damage to tubers from larval feeding later in the season.

幼虫以地下植物组织为食, leaving shallow tunnels or grooves in roots or tubers (图5). 隧道最远可达1/2英寸.25cm)的块茎, though many common species of flea beetle larvae tunnel no deeper than 1/4 inch (6.35 mm). 经常, this damage can be removed by deep peeling during processing, though extensive deep burrowing can leave some lots of potatoes unmarketable. 此外, feeding tunnels are often filled with fungal growth and can allow for entry of air or waterborne pathogens.

图4 — Flea beetle damage to potato leaves (left) and tubers (right)
图5 -跳蚤甲虫对花椰菜幼苗的危害


Deploy yellow sticky traps as soon as seedlings emerge, and visually scout for flea beetles and flea beetle damage. 损害 often occurs first near field borders where adults may be entering from overwintering sites in cruciferous weeds. Adult emergence usually runs from early April through mid-June. As seedlings are particularly sensitive to flea beetle damage, monitor seedlings closely or consider row covers in garden settings.


  • 在土豆, consider taking action if levels of defoliation reach 10-30%, or if 10 or more flea beetle adults are collected per 50 sweeps of a standard 15-inch sweep net.
  • 在油菜, yield losses are thought to occur after 25% of leaf area is damaged, 所以考虑这个阈值的治疗.
  • 在紫花苜蓿, monitor seedlings from the cotyledon to first leaf stages weekly, treating if flea beetle damage is causing significant stand loss (reducing stands to less than 10-20 plants per square foot). Once plants have matured to have several true leaves or more, they can tolerate a few beetles per plant without sustaining economic damage.
  • 适合家庭花园, consider taking action if levels of defoliation reach 10-30%, 或者每株植物中发现一到五只跳蚤甲虫. Brassicas in particular can suffer severe damage in a short span of time, to monitor for flea beetles closely and consider harvesting if severe infestation occurs.



In most crops and home gardens, flea beetles do not often inflict economic damage. In many commercial crops systemic insecticides applied to manage other pests usually keep flea beetles below economic thresholds.


  • 适合家庭花园, 在脆弱的苗期考虑行盖, 在花期摘掉以便授粉
  • Consider harvesting brassicas at first sign of flea beetle outbreak


  • 控制田地和花园周围的杂草宿主
  • Rotate crops out of flea beetles preferred hosts to help disrupt the flea beetle life cycle
  • 种植旱金菊或其他芸苔属植物


  • Conserve natural enemies by limiting use of broad-spectrum insecticides
  • 白僵菌, live spore of a fungus that are available as a spray, may help manage adults


  • Foliar insecticide treatments can target adults, and should be applied before egg laying occurs
  • Soil and seed treatments can control both larvae and adults
  • 考虑对受损部位进行现场处理, as flea beetle infestations are often localized to field edges
  • Recommendations for pesticides to use in the management of flea beetle can be found on the 新界西北有害生物管理手册 网站


总是 read and follow the instructions printed on the pesticide label. The pesticide recommendations in this University of Idaho webpage do not substitute for instructions on the label. Pesticide laws and labels change frequently and may have changed since this publication was written. Some pesticides may have been withdrawn or had certain uses prohibited. 小心使用农药. 不要使用农药,除非特定的植物, animal or other application site is specifically listed on the label. Store pesticides in their original containers and keep them out of the reach of children, 宠物和牲畜.

贸易名称 -为了简化信息,使用了商品名称. No endorsement of named products is intended nor is criticism implied of similar products not mentioned.

地下水 -保护地下水, 当有杀虫剂的选择时, the applicator should use the product least likely to leach.

  • 图1. 卡佳舒尔茨
  • 图2. R.J. 雷诺兹烟草公司,巴格伍德.org
  • 图3. 加拿大农业部,渥太华,布格伍德.org
  • 图4. 埃里克J. 温宁格,bet365亚洲官网
  • 图5. 惠特尼·克兰肖,科罗拉多州立大学,布格伍德分校.org
