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  • 紫丁香螟(Podosesia两)

  • 所有的改编 Fraxinus 树种,包括:
    • 青灰(Fraxinus pennsyvanica)
    • 白灰(Fraxinus美国)
    • 蓝灰(Fraxinum quadrangulata)
    • 欧洲白蜡(Fraxinus excelcior)
    • 黑灰(Fraxinus黑质)
  • 丁香(紫丁香 sp.)
  • 女贞(Ligustrum sp.)

紫丁香花螟长1英寸(2英寸).54厘米)长的鳞翅目清翅蛾. 然而, body morphology 和 markings (orange 和 yellowish markings on a black body) are reminiscent of a paper wasp (Figures 1-3).

图1 -紫丁香螟成虫的清翅蛾
图2 — Pupae 和 tunnel gallery of a lilac-ash borer larvae
图3 — Extruded pupal casing on an ash tree left intact in the exit hole of a lilac-ash borer moth following emergence of an adult


这种昆虫的幼虫期是破坏期. Adult females lay eggs on the cracks, crevices 和 damaged areas of the bark. Eggs hatch 和 enter the bark of the tree, foraging under the bark 和 damaging the phloem tissue. Injury to ash trees is not limited to the physical damage the insect does; borer holes are also entry points for turkey-tail fungus (栓菌属多色的),这会进一步损害植物.

Adult lilac-ash borer moths emerge in spring from a round exit hole bored from the inside at the top of their gallery (Figure 4). 他们的伴侣, 几个小时之内, lay eggs (usually at the base of major branches) 和 the young larvae tunnel under the bark. After a summer spent feeding under the bark tissue (cambium layer), the larvae migrate toward the heartwood where they spend the winter. In spring, fully grown larvae tunnel partially out through the bark 和 then complete pupation. As the adult moth emerges, the pupal shell often remains mostly intact 和 protrudes from the hole. Sometimes this is barely noticeable, but commonly the pupal case protrudes about one-half inch (1.27 cm). 在爱达荷州,紫丁香蛀虫每年完成一个生命周期.

Figure 4 — Typical round to slightly oval exit hole made in the spring by a lilac-ash borer larvae as it prepares to pupate 和 launch its mating flight


Affected trees (Figure 5) may show a rapid or slow progression of injury symptoms, including

  • 树皮松动或分离
  • 分支枯死
  • 脆弱的树枝容易被风吹断


  • Extensive feeding galleries in the cambial layer underneath the bark
  • Loose or damaged bark, especially around the base of large structural branches
  • Wilting 和 chlorotic leaves at the ends of damaged branches
  • Dead or dying branches scattered among healthy branches of the infested tree
  • Weak branches that may result in r和om fall events or wind breakage
Figure 5 — Dead 和 dying branches in the upper canopy (left) 和 bark cracking 和 uneven tissue swelling on a major structural branch (right) of an ash tree by repeated infestations of the lilac-ash borer


  • 圆形的幼虫出口孔,大约四分之一英寸(0.64 cm) in diameter (other ash borers produce holes with differing shapes 和 sizes)
  • Protruding, brown, residual of the larval shell left intact in the larval exit hole
  • Tan frass 和 sawdust leftover after exit events that collects in bark crevices 和 around the base of the trunk



  • 对于年轻的, 小树, a thin knife or wire inserted in the borer hole will kill an individual larva or pupa


  • Routinely prune away damaged 和 dead branches in Lilac 和 privet. This practice is usually adequate to encourage healthy new growth 和 maintain plants with an attractive, 健康的形式.
  • Routinely prune ash trees to remove dead, weak, 和 unsightly branches. Time pruning in the fall or early winter to prevent the presence of open wounds during spring flight, as these are sites adult females may exploit during egg-laying. Remove 和 destroy all pruned branches that may serve as a refuge for maturing larvae.
  • Stressed ash trees are more prone to significant injury from lilac-ash borer than are healthy trees. Avoid planting ash trees in sites with lean soils, shallow soils or inadequate water supplies.
  • Use best irrigation 和 fertilization practices to maintain the overall health of the trees.


  • Pheromone traps are only marginally effective in removing adult males


  • 有益虫病线虫的种类 Steinernema carpocaps, S. feltiae, S. glaseri, Heterorhabditis heliothidiskH. bacteriophora have been shown to be effective against clearwing moth borers. Application can be made shortly after eggs are laid 和 entry holes are still open.



总是 read 和 follow the instructions printed on the pesticide label. The pesticide recommendations in this University of Idaho webpage do not substitute for instructions on the label. Pesticide laws 和 labels change frequently 和 may have changed since this publication was written. Some pesticides may have been withdrawn or had certain uses prohibited. 小心使用农药. 不要使用农药,除非特定的植物, animal or other application site is specifically listed on the label. Store pesticides in their original containers 和 keep them out of the reach of children, 宠物和牲畜.

贸易名称 -为了简化信息,使用了商品名称. No endorsement of named products is intended nor is criticism implied of similar products not mentioned.

地下水 -保护地下水, 当有杀虫剂的选择时, 涂抹者应该使用最不容易浸出的产品.

  • 图1. 詹姆斯·所罗门,美国农业部林务局,巴格伍德.org
  • 图2. 大卫·卡帕特,巴格伍德.org
  • 图3. 惠特尼·克兰肖,科罗拉多州立大学,布格伍德分校.org

Steve Love,作物科学教授