

U of I's web-based retention 和 advising tool provides an efficient way to guide 和 support students on their road to graduation. 登录SlateConnect.


E. J. 农业科学实验室,10室

圆周大道875号,ms2332 莫斯科,号码83844-2332







  • 用于指导教学的教学材料
  • 个人课程计划或活动


  • Primary audience: 扩展 educators, 4-H volunteers 和 leaders, 和 other instructors/teachers
  • 第二受众:特定的学习者受众
  • 例如:4-H青年,成人学习者等.


  • 的 final design can vary depending on the 范围 of the project 和 the target audiences
  • 一般来说,所有课程都包括以下内容:
    • 标题页上有作者姓名和所属单位
    • 介绍/概述
    • 课程目标和学习目标
    • 教案/教师笔记
    • 课程学习目标
    • 预计交付时间
    • 所需的材料
    • 推荐信和学分
  • Please note that the Idaho Master Gardener H和book has its own format 和 template (See 园丁大师手册作者指南PDF)



  • 检查出版物类型以确保您选择了正确的系列.
  • Discuss your idea with the appropriate UI 扩展 Priority 扩展 的me (PET) to get input on factors such as need, 优先级, 范围和最佳格式.
  • Human research protections — If your curriculum contains evaluation procedures 和 instruments that involve human subjects, 获得I的机构审查委员会批准的文件(见 人类研究保护 (浏览更多资料).

  • 完成出版计划书.
  • 通讯作者将提案上传至稿件快车道. 选择“proposal, curriculum”作为文件类型.
  • 的 subeditor covering the topic area will evaluate the proposal 和 advise the corresponding author via FastTrack about whether to proceed with writing the manuscript or rethink the idea.
  • 扩展 Publishing的主管可以帮助作者澄清格式, 范围, 预算(对资助项目尤其重要), 时间线及分销渠道.

  • Secure copyright permission for any copyrighted materials before submitting to FastTrack.
  • 作者可以使用 版权申请表格(多克斯) 作为模板来保护权限.
  • 提交的内容可以是单个课程计划,也可以是整个课程.
  • 有关所需元素,请参阅UI扩展课程指南.

  • 扩展 Publishing can help authors locate curriculum development specialists to consult.
  • Curriculum development specialist reviews the curriculum 和 completes the curriculum specialist review form.
  • 根据需要修改课程.

  • 第一阶段. 你, 作者(年代), 进行两个, 整个课程的单独试运行, fill out the phase 1 curriculum pilot testing form for authors 和 revise your curriculum as needed.
  • 第二阶段. 请两位之前没有接触过该课程的教育工作者进行试点测试, fill out the phase 2 curriculum pilot testing form for educators afterward 和 return it to you. 根据需要修改你的课程.

的 corresponding author submits the project to Manuscript FastTrack 和 selects “curriculum” as the document type.


  • 课程的手稿
  • 课程发展专家评审表格
  • Pilot testing forms (authors’ 和 those from at least two educators who are not authors)
  • I大学机构审查委员会批准的文件, 如果有必要的话, 用于涉及人体的研究.


  • Submit your manuscript to Manuscript FastTrack as a new submission (not to the ID# associated with your proposal).
  • Enter author 和 title just as they appeared in your proposal submission, if they haven't changed.
  • Upload your manuscript as a minimally formatted Word file (double-spaced 和 undesigned).
  • 在文件中嵌入所有表格和图形.
  • 不要在文件名中使用标点符号.
  • 为每个图提供标题,为每个表提供标题和标题.
  • 从文档中删除所有作者姓名.

  • 的 subeditor covering the topic area sends the manuscript to two or three qualified individuals for peer review, examines completed reviews 和 decides whether the manuscript should be accepted for publication as is, 要么修改,要么不修改.

  • 登录Manuscript FastTrack,点击“我的提交”.”
  • 在“Actions”标题下,点击“Show review”.”
  • 考虑来自每个审稿人的反馈和建议的更改. Either incorporate changes (using the Track Changes feature in Word) or respond as to why you feel suggested changes are not appropriate. (Submit a separate Word document containing the unacceptable reviewer suggestions 和 your reasons as a courtesy to the subeditor 和 editor.)
  • 登录快速通道重新提交修改后的稿件, 点击提交ID号, 和, 在Actions列下, 点击“提交修改后的文档”.这将打开另一个窗口,您可以上传修改后的手稿.
  • If you wish, you may “Decline to resubmit,” in which case, the project is closed.
  • 的 subeditor reviews the revised document 和 compares it with the recommendations of the peer reviewers. 的 subeditor makes the decision to accept or deny the revised manuscript 和 may ask for further discussion with you or require an additional review. 他们的决定将通过FastTrack电子邮件通知您.
  • Once the subeditor accepts the revised manuscript, you may submit the final files.

收集最后的文件到一个文件夹,并压缩成一个zip文件. 将压缩文件附在稿件提交中. (请使用“提交摘要”框底部的“添加附件”.)参见您的产品类型的作者指南.


  • Supply manuscripts as minimally formatted files double-spaced in Microsoft Word. 不应用颜色,嵌入图形或表格,添加边框或规则等.
  • 在手稿中引用每一个表格和图表. 为每个图提供详细的说明,为每个表提供标题. Number all figures sequentially 和 number tables sequentially as well but separate from the figures.
  • 通过姓名、描述性标题和隶属关系确定所有作者.g., 贾斯汀•克莱门茨, 扩展专业, bet365亚洲官网昆虫学系, 植物病理学与线虫学, 莫斯科).
  • 如果你包括一个深入阅读部分,确定你的书目风格.
  • 在单独的Word或Excel文件中提供每个表. 保持格式简单. Except in unusual circumstances, do not include vertical rules, colors or other embellishments.


  • 对于每件艺术品,请提供艺术家或版权所有者的姓名.
  • 图表
  • 提交图表, 每个都在自己的文件中, 尽可能用Excel, 允许对文件进行操作(例如, 使出版物中的所有数字在排版上相互匹配, 规定宽度, 等.).
  • 否则,请提供PDF或EPS格式的图形和图表.
  • 线条艺术(插图)
  • 如果在纸上创作,请提供原始艺术作品. If the artwork was created digitally, supply the original file type in which the graphic was created.
  • If the original application file is unavailable, submit a high-resolution TIFF or vector EPS file.
  • Submit alt text for tables, figures 和 artwork in a separate Word document titled “Alt 文本.“Alt 文本是一个简短的文本, written description of an image to aid readers who have a visual impairment 和/or have a sensory processing 和/or learning disability. 查看Alt文本提示下面 通用资源.


  • Supply original print images or high-resolution digital photos in TIFF, JPEG or EPS.
  • 作为单独文件提供图像-不在Word文档中.
  • 注意图像分辨率. We require a minimum of 250 dpi at the desired dimensions for use in printed publications (assume 3 by 5 inches unless the art is expected to run larger, 如封面所示). (大于1mb的文件通常是可以的.)
  • Submit alt text for tables, figures 和 artwork in a separate Word document titled “Alt 文本.“Alt 文本是一个简短的文本, written description of an image to aid readers who have a visual impairment 和/or have a sensory processing 和/or learning disability. 查看Alt文本提示下面 通用资源.


  • 提供使用任何受版权保护材料的书面许可.
  • 引用美国出版公司的作品无需许可.S. 政府, 但引用国家机构的作品通常需要获得许可, 包括其他赠地大学.
  • 提供信用额度所需的任何具体措辞.



  • 有限的格式和自由的图形设计元素
  • 双倍行距
  • 没有表格或其他插图嵌入


  • Excel file preferred (alternative option: EPS file)Labeled “Table 1,” “Table 2,” 等.


  • 在原始应用程序文件或作为高分辨率TIFF或EPS文件
  • 标记为“图1”、“图2”等.


  • 作为Word文档文件与文稿Word文档分开
  • Label each caption so it’s clear which table or figure it goes to (“Figure 1,” “Table 1,” 等.)


  • 包括任何版权许可(信件,电子邮件等).)


  • Submit as one Word document, each entry referenced by its corresponding Table or Figure number.

  • 扩展 Publishing has multiple designers on staff for document layout 和 design.
  • 如果时间紧迫的话, 扩展 Publishing可以用你提供的资金雇佣一名自由设计师.
  • 我们将发送最终设计证明给通讯作者进行最终审查. 通讯作者与其他作者分享项目内容是由通讯作者决定的.

  • 一旦收到通讯作者的批复,我们就会发布文章.
  • 发布在线目录 提供对标题的访问. 印刷出版物由UI扩展出版公司销售. bet365亚洲官网图书馆通过其网站在线提供我们的图书 数字计划.

  • It is our policy to request a content review of active publications every four years to ensure the content is still accurate 和 current.
  • 如果我们没有收到回应, we will remove the publication from our online catalog as we can’t ensure the accuracy of the content.
  • An archival copy of the publication will remain available through the U of I Library.


E. J. 农业科学实验室,10室

圆周大道875号,ms2332 莫斯科,号码83844-2332



