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Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10
606 S Rayburn St

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2332 莫斯科, ID 83844-2332

Phone: 208-885-7982

Fax: 208-885-9046



Broadleaf Plantain (Plantago major L.)


大车前草是产于欧亚大陆的多年生植物,遍布世界各地. 它在受干扰的地区茁壮成长,并能忍受压实的土壤. 叶子很大(3-7英寸长,1-3英寸宽),卵状,突出, 几乎平行的脉(图1)和长叶柄(4-15英寸高). All leaves originate from a basal rosette.

图1. 阔叶车前草的卵形叶和突出的叶脉使其易于鉴别. Courtesy of Robert Vidéki, Doronium Kft.,
图2. 大车前草的生长点在花和叶的下面. 由俄亥俄州立大学Bugwood的俄亥俄州立杂草实验室提供.org.


  • 阔叶车前草是生长在草坪上的耐寒多年生植物, 牧场, 果园, 路边, landscaped areas, 小路, 还有其他网站.
  • 脆弱的草地是这种杂草生长和建立的主要地点.

It has a fibrous root system with a short taproot. 虽然不常见,但阔叶车前草能够从根碎片中繁殖. The flowers are inconspicuous, but the seed heads are prominent, 紧紧握住的穗状花序延伸到叶子上方(图2).

Broadleaf plantain produces up to 14,000 seeds per plant per year, which remain viable for up to sixty years. 从晚春到初秋,种子在圆筒状的穗状花序上生产. They are dispersed by birds, wind, humans, and 动物s. When the seeds are wet, they become sticky, allowing them to attach to 动物s and machinery, which aids in their dispersal. 当土壤温度上升到50华氏度以上时,它们会在整个生长季节发芽.

This perennial weed regrows from crowns each spring. Sometimes confused with buckhorn plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.),阔叶车前草有更宽的叶子和更长的花头刺.

Integrated Pest Man年龄ment Options


  • 在园林绿化中使用地膜或景观织物来控制幼苗.
  • 在大车前草产生种子之前,通过控制大车前草来减少新种子进入种子库.


  • 用手挖掘单株植物,确保尽可能多地去除根部.
  • Mowing removes the tips of the leaves, 但是分生组织(生长的地方)离地面较低, 让植物继续生长到成熟,完成其生命周期.


  • Raise mower blades to inhibit seed germination. Suggested mower height is 2.5–3 inches for most lawns. 割得太短会削弱草林,让更多的阳光照射到杂草幼苗上.
  • 应用0.5磅氮/1000平方英尺每个月的积极生长的草. Distribute applications throughout the growing season.
  • 深而不频繁的灌溉活动鼓励草根生长得更深, giving them access to an increased volume of soil, 水, 和营养.
  • Turfgrass struggles to grow in compacted soil. 每年(春季或秋季)通气一次可以帮助缓解土壤压实,使条件更有利于草的生长.


  • 没有已知的


  • Always read and follow pesticide label directions. 确保大车前草被列为一种杂草,由你使用的除草剂产品控制.
  • 确保你选择的产品标签上注明了你的预期用途.
  • 因为许多除草剂具有显著的土壤活性或在较高温度下易挥发, be careful applying herbicides near, 甚至在, the root zone of nontarget plants like trees, 灌木, and vegetable gardens.
  • 房主可以购买的草坪推荐产品通常含有以下一种或多种有效成分,4-D, MCPP(丙酸), 2甲4氯, 麦草畏, triclopyr, carfentrazone, sulfentrazone, 和quinclorac. 使用含有多种活性成分的产品通常更有效. 这些产品的一些例子包括Weed B Gon Max, Trimec, Triplet等. Make sure that the product you use contains 2,4-D, 因为它是防治大车前草最有效的方法. 在非草皮景观中,用草甘膦产品进行现场处理是有效的.

健康y desirable vegetation is the best weed preventer. 首先,采取文化管理措施,保持健康的景观或草坪. Limit areas of bare soil by maintaining a healthy lawn, covering areas between landscape plants with mulch, 砾石, or other soil-covering products, and utilize efficient irrigation man年龄ment practices. 其次,在杂草产生种子之前,使用机械或化学方法控制杂草. 最好的杂草控制程序始终使用多种控制方法.

Additional Reading

Broadleaf Plantain (Michigan State University):

Broadleaf Plantain (Utah State University 扩展):




杂草: Plantain (Broadleaf, Buckhorn): Plantago spp. (Washington State University 扩展): http://hortsense.cahnrs.威诺娜州立大学.edu/Search/MainMenuWithFactSheet.aspx?CategoryId = 6&ProblemId = 2007.

关于 the Authors

贾斯汀孵化—扩展 Educator, University of Idaho, Caribou County

Bracken Henderson——富兰克林县bet365亚洲官网推广教育工作者



始终阅读并遵循农药标签上的说明. 本UI出版物中的农药建议不能代替标签上的说明. 农药法律和标签经常发生变化,自本出版物撰写以来可能已经发生了变化. 一些农药可能已被撤回或某些用途已被禁止. Use pesticides with care. Do not use a pesticide unless the specific plant, 动物, 或者其他应用站点在标签上特别列出. 将农药保存在原来的容器中,并放在儿童接触不到的地方, 宠物, 和牲畜.

贸易名称—To simplify information, trade names have been used. 没有指定产品的认可,也不是对未提及的类似产品的批评暗示.

地下水—To protect ground水, when there is a choice of pesticides, 涂抹者应该使用最不容易浸出的产品.

BUL 1007 | 2021年10月出版|©2022 bybet365亚洲官网

为促进农业和家政合作推广工作而印发, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of 农业, 芭芭拉小, Director of University of Idaho 扩展, University of Idaho, 莫斯科, 爱达荷州83844. bet365亚洲官网有一项不歧视种族的政策, color, 宗教, national origin, 性, 性ual orientation, gender identity/expression, 年龄, disability or status as a Vietnam-era veteran.
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Physical Address:
E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 10
606 S Rayburn St

Mailing Address:
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2332 莫斯科, ID 83844-2332

Phone: 208-885-7982

Fax: 208-885-9046

