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85.12 - Guidelines for Handling Allegations of Fraud


  • Position: Internal Audit Manager
  • Email:

Last updated: February 01, 2019

A. General. 制定这一政策是为了促进制定有助于发现和预防欺诈的控制措施. This policy applies to any fraud, or alleged fraud, involving employees, consultants, vendors, contractors, 或其他外部机构或其他与大学有业务关系的团体.

A-1. Policy. 管理层负责发现和预防欺诈行为, misappropriations, and other inappropriate conduct.

A-2. Definitions. For the purposes of this section, fraud includes, but is not limited to, 以下类型的盗用bet365亚洲官网(UI)的资产:

  • 盗窃:盗窃或挪用现金、设备或供应品;
  • Falsification of official records such as contracts, 要求报销的工时表或报销凭证;
  • Unauthorized use of university facilities, such as telephones, fax, mail systems, computers, or automobiles;
  • 对金钱或金融交易的处理或报告不当;
  • 从承包商那里接受或索取任何有物质价值的东西, vendors, or persons providing services/materials to the university with the exception of gifts less than $50 in value; or
  • Destruction or inappropriate use of records.

以下程序也可用于调查涉及雇员利用公职谋取个人利益或利益的利益冲突或违反道德规范的指控. 如果对某一行为是否构成欺诈有任何疑问, contact Internal Audit for guidance.

B. Reporting Procedures. 任何被发现或指控的欺诈行为必须立即报告给内部审计,电话:208-885-2133, 或通过内部审计网站上的在线链接拨打保密热线,或致电1-800-775-1056. 内部审计部在总法律顾问办公室和其他受影响部门的支持下协调所有调查, both internal and external. [ed. 2-19]

B-1. Reporting Requirement. 任何员工如怀疑有不诚实或欺诈行为,应立即通知内审员, and 不应试图亲自进行调查或面谈/审讯 related to any alleged fraudulent act.

B-2. Independent Investigation. 应提醒举报的个人,他们不应(i)联系被指控的个人,以确定事实或要求赔偿, and (ii) discuss the case, facts, suspicions, 或向任何人提出指控,除非总法律顾问办公室特别要求.


C. Investigative Process. 任何必要的调查活动都将进行,而不考虑被指控的违法者的服务年限, position/title, or relationship to the university.

C-1. Investigation Responsibilities. 内部审计办公室对政策中规定的所有涉嫌欺诈行为的调查负有主要责任. 在适当情况下,审计员可以得到其他行政办公室代表的支持. 如果调查证实有欺诈行为发生, 内审员将向负责的管理人员出具报告, and if appropriate, 通过校董会审计委员会提交给州立校董会.

a. Confidentiality. 学校在法律允许的范围内对收到的所有信息保密.

b. Access to Records. 调查小组成员将有(i)自由和无限制地访问所有大学记录(包括电子记录)和场所, whether owned or tented, and (ii) the authority to examine, copy, 和/或删除文件的全部或任何部分内容, desk, cabinets, 在未经任何个人事先知情或同意的情况下,可以在调查范围内使用或保管其他物品或设施.

C-2. Referral. 是否起诉或将检查结果提交适当的执法和/或监管机构进行独立调查,将与总法律顾问办公室和高级管理层共同作出决定, as will final decisions on disposition of the case.

C-3. Resolution. As a result of an investigation, if management decides to terminate an individual, 该建议将由人力资源事务处指定的代表审查批准, the Office of General Counsel, 和其他适当的内部和外部管理人员在采取任何此类行动之前.

内审员无权终止员工的工作. 解雇员工的决定由员工的管理层作出. 内部审计师是否应该认为管理层的决定与所提供的事实不合适, 事实将提交给管理层, 和或州校董会审计委员会的决议.

D. Other Inappropriate Conduct. 涉及员工道德或行为行为的不当行为应由部门管理部门与人力资源办公室或民权和调查办公室协调解决. [ed. 2-19]

E. Administration. Internal Audit is responsible for the administration, revision, interpretation, and application of this policy. 该政策将每年进行审查,并根据需要进行修订.

Version History

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
