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3205 -两厢情愿的浪漫或性关系


  • 位置: Interim Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Investigations
  • 电子邮件:

最后更新: 2012年1月1日


A. 介绍
B. 政策
C. 不遵守政策

A. 介绍. This policy addresses only consensual romantic and sexual relationships. Nonconsensual sexual relationships are addressed in university policies prohibiting sexual 骚扰 and discrimination, FSH 3170, 3200, 3210, 3220.

The university’s success in its educational mission depends on the professionalism of its faculty and staff. Maintaining professional relationships and the mutual respect and trust they engender between instructor and student, 主管与下属, in all relationships involving authority over another person, 成功的关键是什么.

A romantic or sexual relationship in which one party has direct academic, 行政, 监督, 评价, 咨询或其他权威机构 over the other party inevitably raises concerns for objectivity, 公平, 和剥削. 这些权威职位包括, 但不限于, instructor-student; instructor-assistant; senior faculty-junior faculty; mentor-trainee; advisor-advisee; counselor-client; teaching assistant-student; coach-athlete; student housing staff-resident; and 主管-employee. Consensual romantic or sexual relationships that develop in these contexts have the potential for abuse and damaging consequences; the imbalance of power creates unacceptable risks of exploitation, 偏袒, 骚扰, 和偏见, 实际的和感知的, thereby impairs the integrity of the professional relationship and the trust on which it depends.

看似两厢情愿的关系, 甚至对当事人也是如此, are frequently influenced by the position of authority held by the faculty member, 主管, 或者其他人行使权力. 任何教职员工, 主管, or individual with authority over another who enters into a romantic or sexual relationship with his or her student or employee should realize that if a charge of sexual 骚扰 were brought, 要么是学生, 雇员或受影响的第三方, 双方同意的辩护很可能会失败. Sexual 骚扰 violates federal and state law as well as university policy (see FSH 3220).

Students and employees should recognize the risks inherent in romantic and sexual relationships with their instructors or 主管s, their ability to avoid the risks by staying out of such relationships.

B. 政策. In order to foster healthy professional relationships at all levels of the institution, it is the policy of the University of Idaho that no employee shall enter into or continue a romantic or sexual relationship with a student or employee over whom she or he exercises academic, 行政, 监督, 评价, 咨询或其他权威机构.

This policy recognizes that circumstances may develop that place one party to an existing romantic or sexual relationship in a position of authority over the other. 它进一步认识到, 尽管有这样的政策, consensual romantic or sexual relationships may develop in existing relationships of authority. 因此, if a prohibited consensual relationship exists or arises, either the consensual relationship must end or the relationship of authority must be eliminated. The employee in the position of authority must disclose the romantic or sexual relationship to his or her immediate 主管 or to the next level 主管. 如果当事人不能, 或者不同意, 分手:立即结束恋情或性关系, the 主管 must take prompt and appropriate action to end the relationship of authority.

在师生关系中, actions may include 但不限于: appointment of a qualified alternative instructor to the position of authority; transfer of the student to another course, section, or seminar taught by a different instructor; assignment or transfer of the student to another academic advisor.

In a 主管-subordinate or other relationship involving the exercise of authority, the university may alter 监督 or reporting lines of either the 主管 or subordinate, 在其他权威关系中, may take such action necessary to change the position of authority. Whatever the nature of the authority one person has over another, prompt action must be taken to remove the authority when a consensual relationship exists or develops.

To encourage reporting of relationships governed by this policy, disclosures and actions taken shall be considered confidential, they will be treated as protected personnel information under the public records statutes.

Any complaint or charge of discrimination or sexual 骚扰 arising from a consensual relationship must be reported to the Office of Civil Rights and Investigations.

C. 不遵守政策. Actions in violation of this policy are considered unprofessional conduct and may constitute adequate cause for discipline up to and including dismissal under the provisions of FSH 3910, 3920, 3930.




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