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4230 - Affiliation Agreements


  • Position: Vice Provost Academic Initiatives
  • Email:

Last updated: June 01, 1988


A. Introduction
B. Planning and Initial Discussions
C. Review and Approval Procedures


A-1. bet365亚洲官网是爱达荷州领先的国际课程教育机构. Therefore, 校董会鼓励校方在加强教学的同时,与国外院校建立并保持长期的合作关系, research, or service activities of the university.

A-2. 下面各节概述了制定的程序, negotiating, 执行与外国机构的协议. Section B covers planning and initial discussions; section C describes UI review and approval procedures.

A-3.这些程序不适用于以下情况:(a)与外国机构的关系是次要的,特别是与资助组织的合同关系, bounded services; or (b) individual faculty or staff members obtain external funding for international teaching, research, or service projects.


B-1. 学院院长或其指定人员有权与外国官员进行讨论,以建立机构间关系. When such a discussion is contemplated, the dean sends the provost a memorandum indicating what might develop out of the discussion; this memorandum may be attached to the UI representative's travel request, if any. 没有bet365亚洲官网校长的书面批准,任何正式协议都不能签订. However, 任何初步讨论的书面报告必须通过国际项目办公室(IPO)转交给教务长。.

B-2. 上述报告只是(a)有关机构和人员的记录, (b) location, (c) reasons for the discussion, and (d) content. It indicates either that no further discussions or involvement are expected or desired; or that the discussions resulted in, or may result in, 谅解备忘录或正式协议. 报告应反映各机构之间的协议,即未经本校校长书面批准,不得作出任何财务承诺.

B-3. The report may include an MOU, which also does no more than record the reason for and content of discussions and the location and personnel involved; the MOU acknowledges that the parties will review any draft agreement at their home sites. 本报告随附双方签字的谅解备忘录副本一份. Again, 任何一方都没有承诺提供资源,因为谅解备忘录本身并不发起机构间活动.

B-4. 每份谅解备忘录必须包含以下声明:

“这份谅解备忘录是签署机构之间可能达成正式协议的第一步. 据了解,此时任何一方都不承担任何财务义务."


C-1. Content.

a. 校际协议的内容可以根据当地习俗和打算实施协议的UI学院的要求而有所不同. 它应该涉及互利合作的长期目标, 但是,就具体活动而言,它应该是一般性的措辞——它是一份授权文件,而不是行动处方. 当遵循以下程序时, 具体活动将在正常情况下确定和描述.

b. It is important, however, 包括非常精确的语言,以便有秩序地规划和执行协定下的活动. Accordingly, 下列文字必须在大学与外国院校建立长期关系的所有协议中使用:

“这种友好与合作协定将通过在实地访问期间或通过通信共同拟订的定期工作计划加以扩大. 工作计划将具体说明可能进行的拟议活动, for example, exchange of scholars, short-term training, joint research or service efforts, or degree programs. 在实施之前,双方将以书面形式就每项活动的细节达成一致. 执行将在任务订单中指定,其中包括教职员工的姓名, schedules, a budget, 以及其他有效实施所需的数据. 任务订单的预算必须得到双方的批准. 它将界定财务要求和各机构之间的费用分摊."

c. 虽然工作计划估计了费用,但没有必要具体说明资金来源. 工作计划中所描述的个别活动的任务命令具体规定了诸如人员之类的细节, responsible parties, work period, and detailed budget.

C-2. Procedures. Because of UI's commitment, both stated and implied, 与外国机构签订协议时, 中央管理人员与高校管理人员一起参与审批过程是至关重要的. 下列程序旨在界定学院和大学管理人员在发起和执行国际协议方面的各自角色:

a. 初步讨论由院长或院长指定人员根据B-1所述备忘录进行.

b. If negotiations are undertaken, 一份报告(可能包括谅解备忘录)通过IPO转发给教务长. This report includes a transmittal memorandum and the following supporting documents: (1) a narrative report; (2) the MOU, if any; (3) the draft agreement, if any; (4) a statement on how the agreement is expected to enhance activities in the college; and (5) a statement of the financial implications. 如果根据协定将执行的活动类型已知,则e.g., exchange of scholars, 短期的联合研究或服务努力, or degree programs, they are described briefly. 如果协议可以导致外部资金,这也应该注意到.

c. 如果协定草案未随初次报告一并转递(见B), 传送备忘录和协议草案如C-2-b所示准备和转发. IPO将审查协议草案,然后将其转交给教务长和负责财务的副校长. 如果协议草案得到这些官员的批准, 总统发出备忘录,授权为准备正式协议进行进一步讨论. (9-15)

d. 正式协议通过IPO提交给教务长和财务副校长. 如果获得批准,协议必须提交校长和董事会批准. If the president and regents also approve, it is signed by the president, bursar, director of IPO, and dean of the lead college. (9-15) 

e. 在协议规定的期限内, 定期制定工作计划,概述一般活动领域, estimated personnel needs, and estimated budget. 在这个阶段,适用于外部支持的常规UI过程.

f. Subsequently, detailed task orders are, from time to time, developed for: (1) specific activities in the work plan; (2) specific personnel and responsible parties; (3) specific budget requirements; and (4) other requirements, such as reporting procedures.

C-3. Administrative Responsibilities. 学院和中央管理人员共同负责管理国际协议. In most cases, 学院院长或他们指定的人是建立新关系和保持UI高标准执行与外国机构的协议的主要代理人. 中央管理员的角色是审批, support, 并监督大学管理者采取的行动. This includes facilitating, implementing, 并在适当的情况下鼓励多学院参与, 并确保UI的卓越标准得以维持. 共同的目标是,只有当国际协定符合联合国的作用和使命,并确保参与机构的互利时,才签订国际协定. 只有当一所大学承诺与外国同行发展积极的关系时,协议才会被批准.

a. Responsibilities of Colleges.

(1)国际协议的发起和管理由代表大学的各学院院长负责. 每一所签订有效国际协议的学院的院长都指定一名官员负责协调, monitoring, and reporting activities under them.

(2) Colleges, 与外国机构合作, 制定协议草案并遵循批准程序. After agreements are in place, 学院负责发展, implementing, 管理定期的工作计划和任务命令.

(3)牵头学院为每项协议准备一份年度报告,并提交给教务长, vice president for finance, and director of IPO.

(4)大学与外国院校之间正式协议的管理,并不管辖独立于院校协议之外的个别教职员工的行为. 鼓励教师和工作人员进行国际接触,作为指定职责的一部分,并为国际教学寻求外部资金, research, or service projects. In these cases, 适用从国内来源寻求和管理外部资金的常规程序.

b. IPO's Responsibilities. IPO是由总统负责支持的UI办公室, monitor, and, when appropriate, administer international agreements. 它是大学的信息bet365亚洲官网, reviews proposed international agreements, 作为这些协议的存储库, maintains official records, and coordinates action within UI. IPO起草和建议标准操作程序,并在必要和资源允许的情况下支持协议的实施. IPO监督审批程序,以确保对所有拟议的协议进行有效和及时的审议.

Version History

Adopted June 1988.

Campus Locations

Physical Address:
Bruce M. Pitman Center
875 Perimeter Drive MS 4264
Moscow, ID 83844-4264

Phone: 208-885-6111

Fax: 208-885-9119
