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6400 -残疾学生的学业调整及住宿


  • 位置: 残疾和无障碍资源中心主任
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最后更新: 2007年1月1日


A. 政策
B. 大学的权利和义务
C. 学生的义务
D. 学业调整和住宿的申诉

A. 政策. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended (Section 504) prohibit discrimination 以残疾为基础. 任何合格的残疾人不得, 基于这种残疾的, 被排除在…之外, 被剥夺…的利益, 或因所提供的任何计划或活动而受到歧视, 赞助, 提供, 或bet365亚洲官网要求的. 大学应在最适当的环境中运作其课程和活动. This policy is issued in compliance with the ADA and Section 504 and is intended and shall be construed to afford the protections and rights provided by those laws.

B. 大学的权利和义务.

B-1. 这所大学将运营每项服务, 程序, 或活动,使服务, 程序, 或活动, 从整体上看, 是否方便残障人士使用.

a. The university will make such reasonable modifications to its academic requirements as are necessary to ensure that such requirements do not discriminate, 或者有歧视的效果, 以残疾为基础, 对一个合格的残疾学生. Modifications to its academic requirements may include changes in the length of time permitted for the completion of degree requirements, 替代测试方法, 代替完成学位要求所需的特定课程, 以及适应特定课程的教学方式.

b. 除了, the university will take such steps as are necessary to ensure that no qualified student with a disability is denied the benefits of, 被排除在, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under the education 程序s or 活动 operated by the university because of the absence of 教育辅助设备 for students with impaired sensory, 手册, 或者说话技巧. 辅助工具或服务可以包括其他格式的文本, interpreters or other effective methods of making orally delivered materials available to students with hearing impairments, 教室设备适合有肢体障碍的学生使用, 以及其他类似的服务和行动. 大学不需要提供服务员, 单独规定的设备, 读者个人使用或学习, 或其他个人性质的设备或服务.

B-2. The university is not necessarily required to make each of its existing facilities accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, nor is it required to take any action that it can demonstrate would result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of a service, 程序, 或不适当的财政和行政负担. 进一步, academic requirements that the university can demonstrate are essential to the 程序 of instruction being pursued by a qualified student with a disability will not be regarded as discriminatory for purposes of this policy.

B-3. The university will provide notice to students that appropriate modifications to academic requirements may be made and that 教育辅助设备 are available.

B-4. The university will make certain that students can obtain specific information about modifications to academic requirements, 教育辅助设备, 以及为残疾学生提供的服务以及如何申请这些服务, 来自残疾支援服务. 该信息将包括地点和获得此类修改的过程, 艾滋病, 和服务. 这些信息将以学生可访问的格式或方式提供.

B-5. 关于修改学术要求的决定, 提供教育辅助设备, and the provision of other services available to students with disabilities are made on a case-by-case basis after individualized inquiry. 在作出这些决定时, 大学将努力维护其课程的学术诚信.

B-6. The university will provide applicants for admission with the opportunity to disclose a disability for the purpose of special admissions consideration, 同时避免就残疾的存在进行入院前调查.

B-7. The university will inform applicants for admission of the availability of services and assistance for students with disabilities and how to obtain them.

B-8. The university will make a reasonable effort to provide interim modifications to academic requirements and/or interim auxiliary 艾滋病 while a person's application for 艾滋病 或服务 is being reviewed. The provision of such interim modifications or 艾滋病 does not obligate the university to continue providing them or any other modifications or 艾滋病 if it is determined that the individual is not entitled to them.

B-9. 学生必须提交由执业医师出具的书面证明文件, 心理学家, or health care professional of the nature of the student's disability and the functional limitations imposed by the disability (in an academic setting), 以及修改学术要求和适当的教育辅助设备的建议. 这些文件提交给残疾支持服务或其他地方由大学指示.

B-10. The university will take appropriate measures to see that information submitted by a student pursuant to this policy remains confidential to the extent permitted by law.

B-11. The university will notify students of the university's policy of nondiscrimination 以残疾为基础 and of steps a student may take if he or she believes discrimination has taken place or if a request for a modification or auxiliary 援助 has been wrongly denied. [请参阅D部分]

B-12. 新的建设和改造项目将遵守联邦和州有关准入的法律.

B-13. 校外项目, 活动, 服务将遵守适用的联邦和州法律.

B-14. 由大学提供的入学或分班考试.

a. 大学为有感官障碍的人提供的入学或分班考试, 手册, 或口语技能将提供经常和及时的方式,其他类似的测试.

b. 入学和分班考试的选择和管理将尽可能确保这一点, 当对有感官障碍的申请人进行测试时, 手册, 或者说话技巧, 考试成绩准确地反映了申请人的能力或成就水平, 或者其他任何测试想要测量的因素, 而不是申请人的感官受损, 手册, 或者口语技能(除非这些技能是测试旨在衡量的因素).

c. 这类测试将在残疾人无障碍的地点进行.

B-15. 大学提供的保险计划和医疗保健服务将符合《bet365亚洲官网》和第504节的规定.

B-16. 这所大学将发展, 传播, and periodically review procedures for assisting students with disabilities promptly and safely to exit buildings during emergencies.

C. 学生的义务. 有残疾的学生有责任要求修改学业要求, 教育辅助设备, 以及其他与残疾有关的服务.

C-1. 在提出这样的要求时, 学生应及时提供由执业医师出具的书面文件, 心理学家, or health care professional of the nature and extent of the student's disability and 它所施加的功能限制 (in an academic setting), 以及修改学术要求和适当的教育辅助设备的建议, 至残疾支援服务. 因为有些服务可能需要很长时间来安排, these offices should receive such requests at least six weeks prior to the beginning of the semester during which the modification, 援助, 否则就需要服务了. 学生必须认识到,缺乏足够的提前通知可能会延迟修改的可用性, 援助, 或服务.

C-2. A student must provide such additional documentation as the university may reasonably require to determine the nature and extent of the disability, 它所施加的功能限制, 以及修改的适当性, 艾滋病, 所要求的服务.

C-3. A student seeking modifications to academic requirements or auxiliary 艾滋病 或服务 is expected to actively participate with the university in identifying the most appropriate modification, 援助或服务, 并及时与试图提供援助的办事处保持联系.

C-4. A student is to promptly notify the Disability Support 服务 of any problems in receiving agreed-upon modifications, 艾滋病, 或服务.

C-5. 学生的学习记录可能会因未完成的设备而被保留.

D. 学业调整和住宿的申诉. If a student has concerns or complaints about the university's compliance with this policy in regard to 教育辅助设备 or other services, 学生首先要联系残疾支持服务协调员,他将做出决定. 此决定可向学生教务长提出上诉. 如果学生对学术要求的修改有顾虑或抱怨, 学生应首先与相关学术部门的行政人员联系,由行政人员作出决定. 这一决定可向学院院长提出上诉.


修改2007. 编辑修改.

修改2004. 编辑修改.



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