

U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. 登录SlateConnect.


布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心



All reporting is subject to FERPA and Idaho Public Records Law.

欲知有关 已录取但尚未入学的学生 透过 招生办公室.

欲知有关 当前或过去的学生、课程或注册 透过 注册办公室学生报告 附下列资料:

  1. 您请求的目的.  Samples of any material to be distributed must be submitted with the request.
  2. 准确描述要选择的总体(e).g. 目前在读本科数学专业).
  3. 描述你想在报告中包含的信息.g. 姓名,电子邮件地址,专业,主要指导老师).

Requests for student data are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Requests must demonstrate a legitimate education interest and must be relevant to the academic or administrative responsibilities of the sponsoring department or organization. All student data is released for use by the requesting department only, 用于在请求中指定的目的. Receipt of the data indicates agreement that data obtained will not be reproduced, 发表, 公开发布的, 或用于任何次要目的. Misuse of such data may subject requestors or their designees to civil or criminal penalties and/or University discipline.

登记官办公室负责执行 bet365亚洲官网行政程序.03 -索取公众纪录.

Any person requesting student information for the purposes of a questionnaire or survey are responsible for safeguarding all student information. Due to practical concerns for student privacy and over-surveying of students, the population of students selected for a survey may be limited.

预期响应时间 平均5到7个工作日.

The 司法常务官办公室 also sends the following regularly scheduled reports to the college offices throughout the semester:

报告的标题 分配周期
毕业申请审查 整个学期每周一次
学生花名册 开学第10天之后
期中成绩为D或F 期中考试成绩截止后三天
失踪的顾问 咨询开始前一到两周
上学期注册,下学期未注册 每周,优先注册后开始
在复读课程中注册 优先注册后三周
Registered in a Repeatable Course in More Credits Than Allowed
录取未录取 weekly following priority registration until beginning of fall semester
毕业典礼出席人数 开学前两周
优秀学生名单 在收到所有最终成绩后
试用期/资格 在收到所有最终成绩后
第一学期结束时学生不平等 在收到所有最终成绩后
上学期成绩下降的学生 .5人或以上 在收到所有最终成绩后
法律课程期末成绩F 在所有法律课程的最终成绩之后


University of Idaho procedures require that the Human Assurances Committee (HAC) review and approve projects involving humans.  You will need to submit a copy of the HAC approval along with your requesting and acknowledge your understanding and compliance of FERPA and Idaho Public Records Law.  All information you receive must be used only for the stated purpose of the research, 仅提供聚合格式, 不得传递给任何其他个人或实体.  Students who have requested confidentiality of their records will not be included in the data set.


In order to release student information for consideration into an honor society, 请遵循以下步骤:

  1. The advisor of the honor society who is an employee of the University should request the information from the 司法常务官办公室 at  请求中应包括荣誉协会的名称, 需要什么信息?, 以及如何使用这些信息.
  2. 指导教师将签署 部门协议书表格 on behalf of the sponsoring department and submit it to the 司法常务官办公室, 注意:学生报告.
  3. The Registrar will review the request and verify that the honor society is a member of the 大学荣誉社团协会, and that the information requested and the use is appropriate.
  4. No information will be released for any student who has requested confidentiality of their records.  该部门将被要求获得一个 学生签署的发布任何信息的请求.


The 司法常务官办公室 charges a flat fee of $200 (with no additional taxes) for military recruitment information.  您需要提供信用卡信息, 包括名片上的名字, 卡号, 截止日期, 和验证码或CSV号码(从卡的背面), along with the fax number to send the report to before the request can be processed.  You may call the 司法常务官办公室 with your information; please ask to speak with student reports.


The University of Idaho is prohibited by Idaho Public Records Law from distributing any mailing lists without first securing the permission of those on the list, except if the purpose of the email is related to the University's educational mission.

Criteria for authorization of broadcast emails to University of Idaho students:

  • The purpose of the email must be related to the University's educational mission with specific relationship to the students being contacted.
  • Parameters used for selecting the student recipients should be so defined that only students who possibly might be interested will be contacted.
  • The email must not be promotional, and must not appear to be advertising - even if there is no fee.
  • 禁止任何形式的销售和任何盈利行为.

Service and student organizations (non-academic units) may request to have a LISTSERV created for informational messages to be sent to a specific subset of students.  如果你的请求被批准, those students will be contacted and invited to join your organization's LISTSERV.  All LISTSERVs must have a University of Idaho faculty or staff member act as a moderator.

请求LISTSERV,电子邮件 附下列资料:

  1. 您的姓名和bet365亚洲官网.
  2. 你的组织和你在组织中的角色.
  3. The criteria for selecting the subset of students you wish to reach.
  4. An explanation of the purpose for the organization and the LISTSERV.
  5. 这个名字, 电话号码, and email address of the University employee who will serve as the list moderator.
  6. 您请求的列表名称(e.g. 在校生(本学期在校生).
  7. Your requested list email address in department/college-group format (e.g.

LISTSERVs will be generated once per year upon request, for each organization.  Please plan to include a means for allowing new members to join your LISTSERV via your organization's website.


布鲁斯·米. 皮特曼中心
