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Aquaculture 研究 Institute

2000 W 6th Street,
莫斯科,ID 83843

University of 爱达荷州
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2160
莫斯科, 爱达荷州  83844-2160



哈格曼 Fish Culture Experiment Station

3059 Natl Fish Hatchery Rd # F
哈格曼, ID  83332

Phone: 208-837-9096



bet365亚洲官网水产养殖研究所在莫斯科校区和哈格曼校区都有进行鱼类养殖研究的研究设施, 爱达荷州. Fish rearing facilities are both indoor and, in 哈格曼, outdoor. Indoor facilities are biosecure with environmental controls.

实验室经理监督每个地点的养鱼实验室,并为养鱼提供必要的连续性护理, feeding and all operations needed for successful research studies by faculty, students and other partners.

水产养殖研究所(ARI)在莫斯科校区和哈格曼都有研究设施, 爱达荷州.

On the University of 爱达荷州 campus, ARI有两个控制光周期的湿化验室,并提供井水或去氯市政用水. 实验室经理在海外管理潮湿的实验室,并提供必要的鱼护理的连续性, feeding and operations for successful studies.


Cold Water Laboratory

冷水实验室在莫斯科校区作为一个限水再循环设施运行. 目前有七个独立的备用电源再循环系统,可以容纳各种冷水品种, including salmonid species and sturgeon. The facility also maintains one warmwater system for rearing tilapia. Each system has independent chilling/heating, biofiltration and UV treatment. 最大的系统有4个直径4米的水箱,用于饲养大量种群或亲鱼. The other systems are high replicate systems, comprised of as many as 66 tanks. 冷水实验室有能力在Heath托盘孵化器和麦当劳瓶中孵化鸡蛋. Fry也可以保存在玻璃纤维槽中,用单道或循环水进料. 系统的温度可以保持在4摄氏度到20摄氏度之间.

Aquatic Animal 研究 Facility

水生动物研究设施(AARF)是一个两层的设施,拥有办公室和教室空间,以及最先进的设备,000 square feet wet lab. AARF is located adjacent to the Cold Water Laboratory.

The AARF also operates as a water-limited recirculating facility. There are currently four independent recirculating systems with backup power. 其中三个系统是专门为促进新物种发展而设计的. A live-feed room to produce artemia and rotifers supports this work. The fourth system is a dedicated, high-replicate marine system suited for shrimp and marine fish research.

哈格曼鱼养殖实验站位于爱达荷州中南部,距离博伊西东南约90英里, 爱达荷州, 州府. The University of 爱达荷州 leased the facility from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1996 and took possession of the 4-acre property in 1998. In 2006, 新的14,000 square feet building was dedicated, and included offices, a classroom and analytical laboratories. A six-bedroom dormitory and additional fish rearing buildings were also constructed, 扩大现有养鱼设施,并为学员和访问bet365亚洲官网提供住房.

哈格曼站 features a 6,000 square feet wet lab supplied with 2,000 gpm, 14.5oC, gravity-fed, first use spring water. 湿实验室包含142个38加仑(145升)和42个152加仑(450升)的水箱,用于进行全面的实验程序. 孵卵器和孵化场小槽用于孵卵和开始喂养鳟鱼鱼苗. 能够加热或冷却水并对流出物进行消毒的检疫设施在一个单独的设施中, biosecure building.

生理和行为研究可以在一个由三个循环水养殖系统组成的普通花园环境中进行,并利用最先进的游泳技术, respirometry and cardiac output chambers.

30个有盖的室外水箱利用二次用水,适合将鱼群饲养到成熟. Outdoor, 1/3 scale raceways (eight total) complete the fish rearing facilities. 哈格曼站还拥有广泛的分析实验室,用于支持饲料研究, 分子生物学, population genetics and genomics, including next-generation sequencing.

研究 and Teaching

研究得到广泛来源的资金支持,包括各机构的竞争性赠款, cooperative agreements and collaborative research with partners such as ARS and CRITFC, and with contracts with industry to conduct product testing and evaluation.

哈格曼站拥有广泛的分析实验室,用于支持饲料研究, 分子生物学 and population genetics. 教学使用最先进的视频技术,将哈格曼站与莫斯科校区和其他地方的教室连接起来.

鱼类研究是哈格曼鱼养殖实验站的主要活动. 降低鱼饲料中鱼粉和鱼油的含量是一个高度优先的研究领域,涉及几种方法, much of which is conducted with USDA Agriculture 研究 Service. 工作包括:

  • Evaluating alternate protein sources to replace fishmeal
  • 通过选择性育种培育虹鳟鱼品系,在饲喂所有植物蛋白饲料时表现出较高的生长性能
  • 鉴定鱼粉中存在而植物蛋白中不存在的必需膳食化合物

同样的努力也在减少饲料中鱼油的使用,同时在供人类食用的养殖鱼类产品中保持长链多不饱和omega-3脂肪酸的健康益处. Increasing nutrient retention, meaning the use of nutrients in feeds to support fish growth, is another research thrust that has both economic and environmental benefits. Environmental impacts of fish farming are associated with loss of nutrients, mainly phosphorus, to the environment, so increasing phosphorus retention, 例如, reduces the impacts of fish farms on the aquatic environment.


Many more topics are addressed in research studies at the 哈格曼站. 其中包括有关提高放生后孵化场鲑鱼和钢头鳟鱼存活率的研究, 了解某些鱼类品种对高温或其他压力源的耐受性基础, 并开发新的方法来评估鱼类的环境压力,使用非致命的方法.


Bozeman Fish Technology Center

Through a cooperative agreement with the USDA/ARS Trout Feeds Program, ARI研究人员可以在Bozeman鱼类技术中心使用最先进的饲料制造设备来制作鱼类饲料, 蒙大拿. This includes a variety of equipment including a hammer mill, air swept pulverizer, mixers of various sizes and types, pelleting equipment including a Buhler twin screw extruder, feed drier and a vacuum coater for oil addition.

Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission


研究 involves fish rearing studies but also basic research into how the genome, 细胞, organs and fish respond to changes in the rearing environment, diet and pathogen challenge. 科学家们利用分子技术以及蛋白质组学和代谢组学来解决这些问题.




Aquaculture 研究 Institute

2000 W 6th Street,
莫斯科,ID 83843

University of 爱达荷州
875 Perimeter Drive MS 2160
莫斯科, 爱达荷州  83844-2160



哈格曼 Fish Culture Experiment Station

3059 Natl Fish Hatchery Rd # F
哈格曼, ID  83332

Phone: 208-837-9096
