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综合研究 & 创新中心

莫斯科,ID 83844-1122




IRIC的安全性取决于每个研究人员, operations person and manager recognizing the need to conduct work safely and understanding how to achieve that goal. 以下信息涉及基本原则, roles and attributes that — when embraced — will influence how all work will be conducted in the IRIC.

The safe conduct of research is nonnegotiable and essential to the mission of IRIC. All individual IRIC occupants and associated organizations must emphasize safety over competing priorities.

This information is complementary to and should be used in conjunction with the IRIC’s safety program or other published policies and procedures.

Because of the special characteristics and unique hazards of IRIC, 该设施必须融入健康的安全文化, 建立在把安全放在第一位的集体承诺之上. 这一承诺适用于与IRIC有关的每个人, from the vice president of research to an individual contributor. No one is exempt from the obligation to ensure protection of people, 环境和设施.

The IRIC安全 Committee has articulated a set of principles that shape our behavior and form the basis for a strong safety culture. 你是否是主要研究者, 来访的科学家, 组长, 项目经理, 项目经理, 实验室技术员, 研究生或本科生, 你的行为创造了我们的文化.

  1. Everyone is personally responsible for ensuring safe operations
  2. Leaders value the safety legacy they create in their discipline
  3. 工作人员 and students raise safety concerns because trust permeates the organization
  4. 尖端的科学需要尖端的安全
  5. 培养质疑的态度
  6. 学习永不停止
  7. 每次都要对每项任务的危险进行识别和评估
  8. 对可能出错的地方保持健康的尊重

Because hazards associated with research can change with little or no warning, the IRIC employs a layered defense strategy to ensure staff and facility safety.

  • 第一层:研究人员和学生

研究 staff and students performing laboratory experiments have the best understanding of the work they are performing. 结果是, they should have the greatest knowledge of hazards associated with the work, and they are best positioned to understand both the unknowns and the potential energies involved in experiments. Their attention to experimental conditions, competence and expertise form the first layer of defense.

研究 staff and students are encouraged to use subject matter experts, peers and support staff to delve into areas where their personal knowledge could be lacking.

  • 第二层:空间管理者和IRIC设施管理者

The expert knowledge of space managers and the IRIC facility manager — and their dedication to ensuring safe operation of laboratories and user facilities — form the second layer of defense. 要有效率, the space managers and IRIC Facility Manager must understand the work being conducted in their assigned spaces and throughout the IRIC.

  • 第三层:管理

Principal investigators and program/项目经理s provide the third layer of defense. They are expected to be knowledgeable about the work being conducted by their staff, 工作人员执行工作的能力, and the effectiveness of the assigned space managers in performing their roles. Management awareness is gained from active engagement with staff and students performing research and space managers.

The only way of detecting failures in the first two layers of defense is management presence in the field and technical expertise.

Maintaining a strong safety culture and understanding the layered defense strategy alone isn’t enough. Ultimately, safety relies on people performing specific tasks at the working level. 

在当今复杂的世界, 许多法律, 规定, standards and controls must be integrated into daily work activities. UI has a system for capturing these inputs and distilling them into a set of operating procedures.

本节概述了一个简单的概念, 综合安全管理, which forms the foundation for all of our procedures and processes. 在不确定的时候, this concept can be a useful tool in framing one’s thinking about what to do next.

综合安全管理 has five core functions consistent with the scientific method:

  1. 定义工作及其危险. Translate the work objectives into defined work activities that will meet those objectives and identify expectations for the performance of that work.
  2. 分析危害. 识别和分析危害, as well as safeguards and security issues associated with the planned work. This includes potential effects on workers, the public and the environment.
  3. 开发和实施危险控制. Identify the applicable standards and requirements that address the identified hazards and security issues, establish appropriate work controls to prevent and mitigate those hazards, 实现这些控制, and allocate resources to ensure that the controls are effective.
  4. 在控制范围内完成工作. Confirm readiness and perform the work safely in accordance with the established work controls.
  5. 提供反馈和持续改进. Assess and provide feedback on the adequacy of controls and continually improve the programs and processes that form integrated safety management



综合研究 & 创新中心

莫斯科,ID 83844-1122

