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Private investment support is extremely important to the University of Idaho, 特别是在经济动荡时期,政府的支持不断减少. The state of Idaho takes great pride in the University of Idaho, 这是全国唯一一所在其所在州成立之前就建立的赠地学院, and provides as much support as it can. Approximately 35 percent of the total budget comes from the state's general fund. Private support helps leverage the state, 联邦和研究基金允许bet365亚洲官网提供卓越的教学, learning and research opportunities.

绝大多数美国公立学院和大学都有独立的基金会, organized as not-for-profit 501 C ( 3 ) corporations, as does the University of Idaho, 理由很充分:遗嘱等与礼物有关的个人文件需要保密, trust agreements and correspondence; stewardship of endowment funds to ensure the joint goals of growth and return are met in the best interest of the donors; and to provide flexibility through discretionary funds to the growth of programs of excellence at the University of Idaho.

The Foundation does exactly what the donors ask us to do with their gifts. 大多数的捐赠都是“限定”给某一特定的捐赠、学院、系或项目. We deposit these gifts into accounts established at the request of donors, administrators, deans, department chairs or program managers to hold gift funds. 收到礼物后,您将在礼物收据和寄给您的感谢信上看到确认的名称. Unrestricted gifts are used at the direction of the president, 并用于支持bet365亚洲官网当前优先考虑的项目或工作. Restricted gift money is spent by the administrator, faculty or staff directly in charge of the account. After the Foundation ensures that there are guidelines established for the account, the Foundation transfers the funds to a university gift account. 然后,bet365亚洲官网负责确保资金按照帐户指南使用.

bet365亚洲官网基金会致力于保留公众和私人的信任. The Foundation openly discloses information about financial statements, fundraising priorities, and other information that helps further an understanding of the mission and goals.

Each year, the Foundation books are fully audited, 该组织遵守了数百项联邦监管要求, state and local level.

Your gift is tax-deductible as specified in the IRS regulations. bet365亚洲官网基金会在爱达荷州州务卿处注册为慈善组织. Gifts of securities may have additional tax-benefits, as can bequests, trusts and other life income gifts.

The IRS requires that we inform you, via your gift receipt/acknowledgement, 您可能收到的任何商品或服务的价值,以及您的贡献所产生的价值.


Publicly traded securities

股票礼物的价值取决于礼物赠送时的市场价值. 在股票被转入bet365亚洲官网基金会账户的当天, the stock is valued at the average between the high and low of that day.

Real property

The Foundation has the ability to accept gifts of real estate. 大部分财产被出售以资助捐赠者的慈善事业. However, in an agreement that is reached between the Foundation, the university and the donor, 一些财产被保留下来供大学使用,以支持一个特定的规划区域. 不动产礼物必须由bet365亚洲官网基金会的礼物接受委员会批准和接受.

Personal property

The Foundation has the ability to accept gifts of personal property, such as books, artwork, computers, etc. as they relate to the mission of the university. 重要的收藏被接受,并附带一笔捐赠基金,旨在支持该礼物提供的存档和丰富机会.

Memorial or honorary contributions

Many donors choose to honor their loved ones by making a gift. We will notify the honoree or their family members of your generosity.

Wills and trusts

The Gift Planning Services staff can help you and your advisors design a bequest, 一种慈善信托或基金,一种向你或你的继承人返还终身收入的年金.

Corporate matching gifts

许多雇主会将员工赠送的礼物捐给bet365亚洲官网基金会, doubling or even tripling your gift.

bet365亚洲官网家庭中最亲密的成员之一支持他们帮助提供的项目时,这总是很特别的. In addition to any of the other gifting vehicles, 教职员工可以通过扣减工资的方式向任何基金会基金捐款.

The Board of Directors is comprised of up to 25 business, professional and civic leaders who govern the University of Idaho Foundation. These outstanding volunteers contribute their time, experience and resources -- serving with no compensation. The Board of Directors meets three times annually. 几位董事担任委员会主席,并在董事会会议间隙举行会议.

The directors provide external oversight to the Foundation's operation, with the executive director of the Foundation reporting directly to the board. The directors embrace the values of the University of Idaho, and reflect in their membership the geographic, gender and cultural diversity of our alumni and friends.

The Foundation offices are located on the Moscow campus in the historic Mary E. Forney Hall.

The University of Idaho Foundation, is a fundraising vs. a fund-granting not-for-profit. Although our endowment funds are significant, 它们都被“限制”为特定用途,使它们无法用于其他程序.

寻找具体项目资金的bet365亚洲官网教师或工作人员应首先联系他们的院长或发展官员, 并要求将该项目添加到该单位的筹款目标中,并提交给总统考虑. 关于获得非慈善资助资金的建议可以在bet365亚洲官网研究办公室网站上找到.

The University of Idaho Foundation's mission is to secure, 管理和分配私人支持,以促进bet365亚洲官网的成长和发展.

In partnership with University of Idaho, the Foundation supports university priorities, 制定和执行筹款和管理私人基金的策略,并协助提供支持数据丰富的中央服务, endowment management, administration and compliance.

综合投资信托基金(CIT)是一个由bet365亚洲官网基金会管理的捐赠基金, for the benefit of the University of Idaho. Scholarships, research, performing arts, 大学的讲师和许多其他项目都是由CIT捐赠收入支持的.

The University of Idaho and the University of Idaho Foundation, 继续共同努力,尽可能降低行政和其他成本.

The following assessments will be effective July 1, 2016:

  • A gift assessment of 5 percent on all new gifts. (For public universities, the national average is over 5 percent)
  • 基金会的综合投资信托基金(CIT)捐赠池将被评估为1000美元.70 percent annually to cover the cost of managing and investing the fund. (The national average is 1.3 percent)

这些评估将为基金会的管理提供资金,并为大学吸引外部成分所需的战略投资提供资金, tell our important story broadly, and raise critically needed private contributions.


Contact Us

Physical Address:
Mary E. Forney Hall

Mailing Address:
University of Idaho Foundation
875 Perimeter Drive MS 3143
Moscow, ID 83844-3143

Phone: 208-885-4000

Fax: 208-885-4040

Google Maps

Mailing Address:
University of Idaho Foundation
875 Perimeter Drive - MS 3143
Moscow, ID 83844-3143

Phone: 208-885-4000
