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农学院 & 生命科学

E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 52







What initially started as a conversation between University of Idaho student Asiah Brazil-Geyshick 和 U of I 美国原住民学生中心 (NASC) Program Coordinator Dakota Kidder turned into a unique opportunity for Native students.

Since arriving at U of I, Brazil-Geyshick has been exploring ways to tie her major in 服装、纺织品及设计 (ATD) to her Native culture while also educating others. Kidder suggested developing an event where Native students could complete a cultural project with ATD students to learn together.

Brazil-Geyshick, a junior from Annadale, Minnesota 和 member of the Ojibwa Tribe, took the idea to Chelsey Lewallen她的学术顾问 玛格丽特·里奇家庭学校 和 消费者科学,一个新的事件就此诞生.

“I thought we could make this into a whole learning experience for both the ATD students 和 for the Native American students,巴西盖希克说. “The Native American students didn’t really know how to sew 和 the ATD students could learn more about my culture 和 Native American culture. 所以我才想开始做这件事.”

Kidder 和 Brazil-Geyshick decided to offer Native American students the opportunity to learn how to sew their own ribbon skirts with guidance from ATD students 和 faculty. A ribbon skirt is typically a cotton or satin cloth skirt with ribbons of different sizes 和 colors. 这种裙子是在正式场合穿的.

“Ribbon skirts are representative of your identity 和 showing your Native identity 和 being proud to show it outwardly,基德说. “有时候我觉得这需要勇气, especially with a lot of our students who don’t necessarily come from tribal communities 和 weren’t around it, because it’s another thing that people see 和 can judge on.”

The event began with basic sewing machine demonstrations by FCS faculty 桑娅迈耶 和 Lori Wahl. 罗伯塔保罗, retired director of Native American 健康 Sciences at Washington State University, spoke with the group about the tradition of the ribbon skirts. Paul graduated from U of I with a bachelor’s degree in clothing, textiles 和 design in 1972 和 is a member of the Nez Perce tribe.

“Dr. Paul is also a seamstress 和 has a lot of knowledge behind sewing,基德说. “她总是愿意分享她的知识.”

ATD students were on h和 to help with questions about operating the sewing machines, but the bulk of the work was completed by the Native students to create their own skirts.

对于Brazil-Geyshick, combining her love for sewing with her culture was the best part of the experience.

“I think the most fulfilling part was being able to sew something from my culture,”她说。. “I’ve done it before, but it wasn’t with people from my culture. 这是一种充实.”

Kidder was excited to offer an opportunity for Native American students to learn a skill that they can take with them 和 pass on to their families.

“The most valuable part for the students was learning a skill that they’ll have for years to come,”她说。. “I think their interest was definitely tied to that kinship system 和 the responsibilities we have to our families, to learn these skills so that we can pass it on. I think that was the deeper excitement of them wanting to learn this for their families.”

虽然目前还没有正式的计划, both Kidder 和 Brazil-Geyshick hope that partnerships between the NASC 和 ATD program will continue in the future.

“I think that’s one of the great things 和 why we have our programs is that you can come to the university 和 learn not only the technical skills of your career field, but you can also gain some really awesome cultural skills 和 values when you take advantage of these opportunities that we have collaborated with other departments on,基德说.

本次活动的资金由 伊利诺伊大学妇女中心.

A woman holds a piece of fabric while another woman looks on.
ATD student Asiah Brazil-Geyshick helped organize an event for Native American students to learn how to sew 和 ATD students to learn more about Native culture.
An older woman st和s beside a younger woman seated at a sewing machine.
Alumna 罗伯塔保罗 lent her ribbon skirt knowledge 和 seamstress skills to the event.
A woman st和ing holding a piece of fabric up to a woman seated holding a similar piece of fabric
ATD student Ellie Hafer (right) works with Native American student Angel Williams (left) at the ribbon skirt event.

本文由 艾米Calabretta农业与生命科学学院

Photos by Garrett Britton, University of Idaho Visual Productions



农学院 & 生命科学

E. J. Iddings Agricultural Science Laboratory, Room 52




