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亚历山德拉 爱尔兰人

Associate Chair and Professor of 英语; Co-director, MFA in 创意写作; Co-director, 女性的性别 & 性研究





亚历山德拉爱尔兰人 teaches poetry writing.

  • M.F.A., 诗歌, University of Florida, 1998
  • B.A., 英语, Southwest Missouri State University, 1996

亚历山德拉爱尔兰人 is the author of three books of poetry: 或者我们称之为欲望的东西 (Persea, 2019), 聪明和愚蠢的建筑商 (Persea, 2015),以及 的地理位置 (Persea, 2010), winner of the 2009 Lexi Rudnitsky Prize and 2010 California Book Award. She is also the author of the novel 浮选背后的原理 (Skyhorse, 2017) and co-editor of the anthology 枪林弹雨:诗人 & 公民应对枪支暴力 (信标,2017). The recipient of a 2019 Civitella Ranieri Foundation Fellowship, the 2014 密苏里州的审查 Jeffrey E. 史密斯编辑奖, a 2011 National Endowment for the 艺术 Fellowship, a 2006-2008 Stegner Fellowship at Stanford, 亚历山德拉 is a Professor in the BA in 英语 and MFA in 创意写作 programs, MFA项目联合主任, 和妇女的联合主任, 性别, & 性研究. Her work has been praised in such publications as 推荐书目, 赫芬顿邮报, 《bet365亚洲官网》 as “a strong feminist penman to watch,“正式的令人印象深刻”,和“热情的”, 古怪的, 义愤填膺.“她的散文集, Spinning Tea Cups: A Mythical American Memoir, is out from Oregon State University Press in October 2023.

  • 写诗
  • 韵律
  • 现当代诗歌
  • 诗歌的技巧
  • 修改策略
  • 女人与诗歌

  • Spinning Tea Cups: A Mythical American Memoir, (memoir in essays) Oregon State University Press, 2023
  • 或者我们称之为欲望的东西,(诗歌)波斯图书,2019
  • 浮选背后的原理,(小说)Skyhorse, 2017
  • 枪林弹雨:诗人 and 公民应对枪支暴力 in the U.S. (co-edited anthology with Brian Clements and Dean Rader) Beacon, 2017
  • 聪明和愚蠢的建筑商,(诗歌)Persea 书, 2015
  • 的地理位置,(诗歌)Persea 书, 2010


  • In the Tempered Dark: Contemporary Poets Transcending Elegy,《bet365亚洲官网》 Curious Lunatic’s Sketch of a Dancing Girl” and “Requiem for No Hands,” and micro-essay on grief and repetitive poetic form, 2023
  • Cascadia: A Field Guide Through Art, Ecology, & 诗歌, “First Seeing Clark’s Nutcrackers,” 2023
  • 亲爱的美国, “’My Country, Tis of Thee’ (arranged for Brazen Bull),” 2020
  • 雄辩的诗,”Studio with Blackened Windows,” 2019
  • Dead and Undead Poems: Zombies, Ghosts, Vampires, Devils, “莎拉·温彻斯特《bet365亚洲官网》 《bet365亚洲官网》,2014年
  • 99首给99%的人的诗 《365bet中文》,2014年
  • 新加州写作, “The House That Doesn’t Grow,” 2013
  • 美国最好的诗歌 (eds. 瓦格纳 & 《bet365亚洲官网》(Heartlines), 2009年


  • Memorious, “The Years I Lived Beneath the Lake,” 2023
  • 阿拉斯加季刊, “’Orange Blossom Special’ (arranged for Rome’s burning)” and “The Rough Beast Never Asked to be Born,” 2023
  • 密苏里评论, 《bet365亚洲官网》,2023年
  • 黑鸟, “Lake Chacolet,” “Smithsonian,” and “Field Blocks,” 2023
  • 四路回顾, “The Rough Beast Would Like the Future to be Clear” and “The People at the Bottom of the Lake Write Up,” 2022
  • 南方人文评论, “Correlations” (ten-poem series) (Auburn Witness 诗歌 Prize finalist), 2022
  • 大道, “The Rough Beast Listens to a PSA from Lake America,” 2021
  • 水~石头审查, “The Rough Beast Talks to the Falcon,” 2021
  • 马萨诸塞评论, “Crossed Letters from a Concerned American” (sonnet sequence), 2021
  • 内地人, “When, Like Garden Spiders from Outer Space, We Return,” 2021
  • 西北审查, “The Rough Beast Goes to Outer Space,” 2020
  • 太阳港, “The Rough Beast Literally Arrives,” “Cambium,” “The Goth Comes Clean 关于 Decay,” 2020

  • 女权主义诗学
  • 研究了诗歌
  • 类型交叉/混合写作

  • Idaho Center for the Book, Advisory Board, 2016-present
  • Vandal Poem of the Day, 2015-present 
  • Founding Member of the BASK Collective, 2013-present
  • Senior Editor, Broadsided Press, 2009-present 
  • Member of 莫斯科 艺术 Commission, Winter 2012-Winter 2016

  • Civitella Ranieri Fellowship, 2019
  • University Graduate Mentoring Award, bet365亚洲官网, 2017
  • Idaho Humanities Council grant, Vandal Poem of the Day project, 2015 (with Devin Becker)
  • 密苏里评论 编辑奖,2014
  • bet365亚洲官网 Kurt Olsson Early Career Fellowship, 2014
  • bet365亚洲官网 Student Fine Art Fee Grant, BASK Interdisciplinary 艺术 Collective “Play Like a Girl” project, 2013年(与Kristin Elgersma合作), 史黛西Isenbarger, 贝儿·巴格斯)
  • bet365亚洲官网 Seed Grant, research for 聪明和愚蠢的建筑商, 2012
  • National Endowment for the 艺术 Fellowship for 诗歌, 2011
  • California Book Award, Gold Medal for 诗歌, 2010
  • Lexi Rudnitsky Prize in 诗歌, Persea 书, 2009 
  • Stegner Fellowship in 诗歌, Stanford University, 2006 to 2008
  • University Graduate Teaching Award, University of Florida, 1998

M.F.A. 创意写作






网络: 英语

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