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Students must pass the 高级联赛级别 (UDS) jury prior to enrolling in 300-level studio instruction. Most students who have at least two years of lessons at a previous institution will take one semester of 100-level lessons at the bet365亚洲官网 before attempting their UDS jury. 偶尔, a student who has received guidance from their new instructor at the bet365亚洲官网 will take the UDS jury in their first semester, 但这必须在学期的前两周内完成.

Please refer to the online catalog for the most up-to-date academic standards for 高级联赛级别.


Mental and physical well-being is an integral part to any music student's academic success. The bet365亚洲官网 provides an extensive network of wellness resources, from basic care at the Student 健康 Center to wellness courses such as yoga and Pilates that center your mind and strengthen your body (see PEB listings in 课程表). 点击以下链接,了解更多校园安全方面的信息, 身心健康, 以及积极生活方式的课外机会.


  • 作为一名音乐家,听力健康对你的终身成功至关重要. 你的听力可能会被包括音乐在内的大声声音永久性损伤. 从技术上讲,这被称为噪音性听力损失(NIHL)。. 这种危险是持续不断的。.

  • 噪音引起的听力损失通常是可以预防的. You must avoid overexposure to loud sounds, especially for long periods of time. 

  • 你离声音的来源越近, 听力受损的风险就越大. 

  • Sounds over 85 dB (your typical vacuum cleaner) in intensity pose the greatest risk to your hearing. 

  • Risk of hearing loss is based on a combination of sound or loudness intensity and duration. 

  • Recommended maximum daily exposure times (NIOSH) to sounds at or above 85 dB are as follows:

- 85分贝(真空吸尘器,1/3音量的MP3播放器)- 8小时
- 90分贝(搅拌机,吹风机)- 2小时
- 94分贝(MP3播放器在1/2音量)- 1小时
- 100分贝(MP3播放器最大音量,割草机)- 15分钟
- 110分贝(摇滚音乐会,电动工具)- 2分钟
- 120 dB (jet planes at take-off) - without ear protection, sound damage is almost immediate 

  • 某些行为(在练习和排练中控制音量), 避免嘈杂的环境, 调低音量)降低听力损失的风险. 注意那些MP3耳机. 见上图

  • 使用耳塞和耳罩有助于保护你的听力健康. 

  • Day-to-day decisions can impact your hearing health, both now and in the future. 因为声音暴露在学校内外都会发生, you also need to learn more and take care of your own hearing health on a daily, 甚至按小时计算.

  • 遵循基本的听力健康指南是很重要的.

  • 研究这个问题并了解更多也很重要.

  • If you are concerned about your personal hearing health, talk with a medical professional. 

  • If you are concerned about your hearing health in relationship to your program of study, 咨询你所在机构的相关联系人. 

  • This information is provided by the National Association of 音乐学院 (NASM) and the Performing 艺术 Medicine Association (PAMA). 欲了解更多信息,请查看 other NASM- PAMA hearing health 医生uments, 位于 NASM的网站.


  • Vocal health is important for all musicians and essential to lifelong success for singers.

  • You are requested to attend a briefing on this important issue (date, time and location TBA).

  • Understanding basic care of the voice is essential for musicians who speak, 唱歌和排练或教别人.

  • 练习、排练和表演音乐对身体的要求很高. 

  • 音乐家易患多种发声障碍.

  • 许多声音障碍和病症是可以预防和/或治疗的.

  • 充足的热身时间很重要.

  • Begin warming-up mid-range, and then slowly work outward to vocal pitch extremes.

  • Proper alignment, adequate breath support, and correct physical technique are essential.

  • Regular breaks during practice and rehearsal are vital in order to prevent undue physical or vocal stress and strain. 

  • It is important to set a reasonable limit on the amount of time that you will practice in a day.

  • 避免练习时间突然增加.

  • 了解你的声音及其局限性,避免过度使用或滥用它. 

  • 保持健康的生活习惯. 保护你的身心健康.

  • Drink plenty of water in order to keep your vocal folds adequately lubricated. 限制饮酒,避免吸烟. 

  • Day-to-day decisions can impact your vocal health, both now and in the future. Since vocal strain and a myriad of other injuries can occur in and out of school, you also need to learn more and take care of your own vocal health on a daily basis. 避免大喊大叫或其他剧烈的声音.

  • If you are concerned about your personal vocal health, talk with a medical professional. 

  • This information is provided by the National Association of Schools of 亩ic (NASM) and the Performing 艺术 Medicine Association (PAMA). 欲了解更多信息,请查看 NASM的网站


  • Neuromusculoskeletal health is essential to your lifelong success as a musician. 

  • 练习和演奏音乐对身体的要求很高.

  • 音乐家易患多种神经肌肉骨骼疾病.

  • Some musculoskeletal disorders are related to behavior; others are genetic; still others are the result of trauma or injury. Some genetic conditions can increase a person's risk of developing certain behavior-related neuromusculoskeletal disorders. 

  • 许多神经肌肉骨骼疾病是可以预防和/或治疗的. 

  • 充足的身体和音乐热身时间很重要.

  • 良好的姿势和正确的身体技巧是必不可少的.

  • Regular breaks during practice and rehearsal are vital in order to prevent undue physical stress and strain. 

  • It is important to set a reasonable limit on the amount of time that you will practice in a day. 

  • 避免练习时间突然增加.

  • 了解你的身体和极限,避免“过度锻炼”."

  • 保持健康的生活习惯. 保护你的身心健康. 

  • Day-to-day decisions can impact your neuromusculoskeletal health, both now and in the future. Since muscle and joint strains and a myriad of other injuries can occur in and out of school, you also need to learn more and take care of your own neurimusculoskeletal health on a daily basis, particularly with regard to your performing medium and area of specialization. 

  • If you are concerned about your neuromusculoskeletal health, talk with a medical professional. 

  • If you are concerned about your neuromusculoskeletal health in relationship to your program of study, 咨询你所在机构的相关联系人. 

  • This information is provided by the National Association for Schools of 亩ic (NASM) and the Performing 艺术 Medicine Association (PAMA). 了解更多信息, 查看其他NASM-PAMA神经肌肉骨骼健康文件, 位于 NASM的网站


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