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提案审查过程将包括, 当可适用, consideration of certain items that are subject to special federal or other regulations and require additional approval including:


Direct charging of administrative 工作人员 is generally not allowed except under certain circumstances, 的详细讨论 人员费用 预算政策部分. 如果行政人员的工资是由联邦政府支付的, sufficient explanation must be included in the budget and budget justification of the proposal. Exceptions must be approved in advance by 赞助项目办公室 (OSP) and documented in the Cost Accounting Standards Exception section of the proposal application.


Subcontracts or subawards to other institutions may be included in proposals for prime awards to the University of Idaho if allowed by the sponsoring agency and with approval from the authorized representatives of the subcontractor(s) and the university. Additional components of the subcontract proposal are detailed in the 分包合同和分包 预算政策部分.


因为成本分摊有重大的后果(见 成本分摊 (预算政策), all forms of cost sharing are subject to review and approval by OSP and the department committing the cost share obligation at the time of proposal submission.


当一个项目涉及调查者时, 工作人员, 来自多个部门的设施或资源, bet365亚洲官网的学院或学院, 各部门的适当批准, 必须获得学院和大学. The VERAS proposal application will be routed to the proper individuals for signature, and additional time prior to the submission deadline should be allowed for approvals.


如果一个项目将涉及建设, 空间改造, or a significant change in the way university space is currently used, 必须在适当的框中勾选 项目信息 VERAS提案申请中的问题. PIs should allow adequate time prior to the proposal due date to work with their department(s), 大学和任何其他相关领域.


The term “human subjects” includes not only individuals who participate in laboratory studies but also other living persons from, 或者说关于谁, information is collected and whom the researcher can identify individually. Most research involving the use of human subjects requires advance review and approval by the Institutional Review Board (IRB), one of three federally mandated research assurance committees/boards at the university. This mandatory committee review is required whether or not the work is funded by outside sources and regardless of the investigator's academic discipline.

Tragic events involving the death or injury of individuals participating in clinical trials at other institutions have focused national attention on the use of human subjects in research and the procedures that universities follow for review and approval of all such research, 不仅仅是临床试验. 结果是, IRBs and investigators are under increasing pressure to adhere strictly to institutional and federal guidelines.

如果赞助项目需要使用人类受试者, 或可识别的组织或其他人体材料, 首席研究员(PI)必须检查 是的 关于人类实验对象的问题 研究合规 VERAS节. Most agencies now allow proposals to be submitted with review pending, but some will not make a funding decision until approval is granted, and neither the sponsor nor the university will allow research involving human subjects to proceed without either approval or certification of exemption.


The humane and responsible use of animals in research is a matter of considerable public interest. bet365亚洲官网的动物设施, and its policies and procedures for care and use of laboratory animals are reviewed regularly by an independent outside accrediting agency and are also subject to review by the federal Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, 美国农业部和其他机构. 如果一个项目需要使用脊椎动物, 无论是在实验室还是在野外, PI必须检查 是的 关于脊椎动物在 研究合规 VERAS节, and approval must be obtained from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Most funding agencies will accept evidence that review is pending. 然而, research that involves animals may not proceed (and animals may not be ordered from a supplier) until IACUC approval has been received. 将被安置在校园里的动物的每日生活费, 或者其他支持, 通常应该包括在项目预算中吗.


If the proposed research involves the use of biohazardous materials, 包括重组DNA, 微生物制剂或感染性物质, PI必须检查 是的 关于生物危害使用者的问题 研究合规 VERAS节, and approval must be obtained from the Institutional Bio-safety Committee (IBC). The IBC office will review the proposed procedures to confirm that proper safety measures are in place. 某些剧毒或危险的生物材料, classified by the Department of 健康 and Human 服务 (DHHS) as “select agents,” require additional safety and security precautions that may be difficult to arrange in U of I laboratories. 工作人员 from Environmental 健康 and 安全 (EHS) can advise investigators on proper safety procedures and the rules regarding the use of select agents.


向某些赞助者申请资助的研究人员(例如.g., National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of 健康) must declare any potential financial conflicts of interest to the appropriate university officials prior to submission of a proposal to the agency. 这些披露是通过 利益冲突 VERAS模块. Your Sponsored Programs Administrator (SPA) can assist you in determining which of the project personnel need to complete a disclosure.



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875周界博士., MS 3020




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