


莫斯科,ID 83844-1103




网络: Department of 数学ematics and 统计科学

Statistics 598 Internship Requirements

Statistics 598 Internship Requirements

  • The internship field experience is limited to Statistics students who are in good standing, 完成至少三门核心课程,包括所有指定的专业课程,平均成绩不低于3分.0.
  • 学生最好在毕业前一到两个学期实习. 然而, we understand that in some circumstances, an excellent internship opportunity may present itself prior to this point. 在这些情况下, work closely with your advisor to see if the opportunity is appropriate for an internship. Internships may be undertaken during the spring, summer, or fall semesters.
  • 学生必须事先获得其学术顾问和实习协调员的批准才能参加实习(实习资格和批准表1)。.
  • 实习时间不少于8周,不少于400小时. 然而, 在某些情况下, 实习是有必要的兼职工作,分散在一个较长的时间, or part-time work with two different organizations.
  • The internship may be undertaken at any time during the year. Many excellent experiences are available during non-summer months.
  • 实习应与学生选择的统计专业相适应,并应提供在其领域的专业机会.

  • Once you have found what you believe is a suitable internship, discuss it with your advisor. A suitable internship provides professional experiences such as study design, 数据收集, 数据统计分析, and written and oral communication of results. Let your advisor know the nature of the internship, 你什么时候工作, and how long you will be employed.
  • 参加实习必须事先获得学生的学术顾问和实习协调员的批准(实习资格和批准表1)。.
  • After receiving approval, you may enroll for 3-6 credits of Statistics 598. You should enroll for credit in the period concurrent with your internship. 如果你计划工作的时间超过满足实习要求所需的最短时间,你可以注册额外的学分.

  • Internships may be completed with private for-profit, non-profit, or governmental organizations.
  • 应该为实习学生提供广泛的组织直接学习经验. 这些活动可以安排在日常工作任务的正常过程中,也可以安排在日常工作任务之外. 这些安排好的经历应该使学生直接接触到组织工作的许多方面. 这是非常可取的,学生提供这些活动的书面时间表,在安置与组织的开始. Positions without this flexibility might not be acceptable for internships.
  • 预计实习组织的现场经理或主管将通知统计实习协调员,他们愿意接受学生的实习培训,并提供有关学生将要经历的工作的全部性质的信息. Attach this letter to the Internship Eligibility and Approval (Form 1). 同时,在开始实习前提交实习组织信息(表格2).
  • 实习组织将在四周结束前及时向统计实习协调员提供实习生的评估. 该评估可能是最终评估的缩写形式(见导师的中点评估-表格3),旨在指导实习生通过扬长补短的努力. The intern will also provide a brief self-evaluation (Form 4) at this time.
  • Upon completion of the internship, 实习组织应向统计实习协调员提供实习生参与和专业前景的书面评估. This may be in the Form of a letter, employee evaluation and performance forms in regular use by this organization, or by using Supervisor’s Final Evaluation of Intern (Form 5).
  • At the completion of the internship, 学生应完成对实习组织及其导师的评估(实习组织评估表6).
  • 重要的是,实习组织愿意承担工作的角色,为学生的专业培训和发展做出贡献,期望他们在未来进入专业劳动力市场.
  • 提供实习的组织应协助学生收集和了解有关该组织的信息.

以下是实习生在实习期间应该熟悉和收集的一些代表性信息. This material is vital to the successful completion of the internship, to your full understanding of the organization for which you serve as an intern, and to your ability to demonstrate a synthesis of your academic and internship experiences. 这些材料应在实习期间以周为单位寄给实习协调员, either by typed hard copy or by email. Most 报告 should be 2-3 pages in length.

  • 星期1:
  • 星期4:
    Self-evaluation (Form 4) and supervisor’s mid-point evaluation (Form 3)
  • 第2、3、5、6、7周:
    简短的报告应该反映你的一个或多个方面的经验,有助于你作为统计学家的培训. Describe what you have experienced with your organization on the selected topic, and how this relates to your education on this topic.

The final written requirement is a 6-8 page typed summary of your internship experience. 你将完成这份总结,并在学期的最后一天以打印的硬拷贝形式邮寄给统计实习协调员,以便协调员提交成绩. This summary should include, at a minimum, the following sections:

  • Name of internship organization, with name and title of supervisor
  • Inclusive dates of internship experience
  • Summary of work responsibilities during internship experience
  • Summary of skills and knowledge gained from internship experience
  • 一页纸的自我评价,突出你的优势和你还需要专业发展的领域
  • Suggestions to improve the organization's programs and services
  • Most valuable aspects of your internship experience
  • Suggestions to 统计科学 for improving the internship program
  • An appendix with copies of the 报告 (excluding the week 4 supervisor’s evaluation)

  • 在整个加盟期间保持每天的工作经历日志.
  • 自己承担吧, during your own off-the-job time if need be, 参观尽可能多的公司办公室,与尽可能多的人交谈,以扩大你对公司运作的了解.
  • 参加公司内外的所有会议,比如员工会议, 规划会议, 公众听证会, speeches by members of the organization before outside audiences, 等.
  • 访问 as many other similar operations, 除了你自己, 如果时间允许的话, talk with people in charge to learn about their operations, 等.
  • Gather any and all published and printed information relative to the above including plans, 报告, 宣传册, 等. 这些都是现成的.
  • 看一系列幻灯片, pictures or digital photos depicting the organization areas and facilities, 服务计划, 经营范围, 关键人员, your place of work and work experiences, 等. Most importantly, take some photos of yourself at work. 你可以在专业作品集中使用这些,或者捐赠一些给统计科学系用于我们的网站.



莫斯科,ID 83844-1103




网络: Department of 数学ematics and 统计科学